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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Short and Meaningful Christmas Wishes

Meaningful Christmas Wishes:

  • "May the Christmas Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your family."
  • "The gift of Love. The gift of Peace. The gift of Happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas."
  • "Wishing you a season full of light and laughter for you and your family."
  • "Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity!"
  • "May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!"
  • “Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the happiness your holiday can hold!”
  • “May your holidays sparkle with joy and laughter.”
  • “I hope the magic of Christmas fills every corner of your heart and home with joy — now and always.”
  • “Our family wishes you love, joy and peace … today, tomorrow and always.”
  • “May your family have a holiday season that is full of wonderful surprises, treats and nonstop laughter.”
  • "Merry Christmas! Wishing you all the best this holiday season!"
  • "Wishing you a Christmas that's merry and bright!"
  • "We hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday season."
  • "I hope your holiday season is full of peace, joy and happiness."
  • "Merry Christmas with lots of love."
  • "I hope your Christmas is filled with joy this year!"
  • "Happy Holidays! I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true."

Nail Biting Basics

Nail biting in all its various forms is problematic behavior beset by peculiarity and contradiction. 

Technically speaking, the correct word for nail biting is ONYCHOPHAGIA. Nail biting typically begins between the ages of five and 10 and is common among children as well as adults. As many as one in three Americans bite their nails. 

 One of the more noteworthy and generally surprising things about nail biting is its high instance. It crosses every social and economic barrier. Prevalence figures for children are much higher than for adults. Results of nail biting can result in short, ragged nails. It may also lead to damaged cuticles as well as bleeding around the edges of the nails. 

Infections can also develop if nails are not properly attended to. Most relevant studies have found that nail biting tends to peak out around puberty.h A study by Malon and Massmer studied the behavior in the Chicago school systems and reported that nail biting is prevalent in about 60 percent of children age eight to eleven. Most people agree it is a learned habit, perhaps picked up by watching a parent or someone else biting their nails. Nail biting is an extremely tough habit to break and treatment for it varies. 

 One possible solution is identifying the reason for nail biting. Avoidance or modification of these situations can be beneficial to the eventual elimination of the habit. Improving self-esteem is also helpful when attempting to break the habit.

Exercises to Do at Home For Body Toning and Weight Loss

Here are a few exercises to do at home if you want to tone up your body and lose a little bit of weight. These exercises will allow you to save both time and money while also improving your results. This article will take no more than 2 minutes of your time, yet it can help you "see the trees from the forest" in regards to what is important and what is just a waste of time. Read this now, you'll be glad you did.

Exercises to do at Home
1. Walking up and down the stairs for 15 minutes non-stop
I'm hoping and guessing you have stairs in your home or at the very least in your condo or apartment building. If you do, all you need to do is devote 15 minutes to walking up and down them without stopping. Sometimes my clients react to me saying this by saying they already walk up and down stairs enough. NO, YOU DON'T. It has to be non-stop. If you do this everyday or at the very least 6 days a week, you'll realize how powerful this is in 10-12 days.
It's simple and quick. No excuses. Come on, if you want to lose weight and tone up, do this.

2. Jumping jacks during commercial breaks
Ok, I want you to do this as a kind of "metabolism booster" exercise. Say you watch 1 hour of tv (don't lie, I bet you watch closer to 4 hours). Well, take the commercials of a full 1 hour of tv and do jumping jacks during them. Consider these mini-workouts. There are about 7 commercials with a total time of 20 minutes during 1 hour of tv. Make that time productive and "sneak in" some or all of your workout.
These exercises to do at home are simple and quick... and will allow you to get faster and more efficient body toning and weight loss results.

Cancer Fighting Foods - Cure Your Self of Cancer

Cancer cells are always present in the body and are normally kept in check by our body's own natural defense system. Do you know how the body's natural defense system works and where it gets the ammunition to do so? Do you know at what point the body succumbs to the disease named cancer?
Millions of cancer cells are present in the body from time to time. However, when the cancer cell count reaches the billions, we know the body's natural defense system is not working. Cancer cells seem go undetected as foreign cells by the body. Since cancer cells grow more quickly than normal cells they can replace healthy cells almost unnoticed by the body until we feel something is wrong, a tumor, or an organ is malfunctioning.
Cancer has occurred in your body over a long period of time due to many different forces. Outside influences such as environment, exposure to toxins, smoking, second-hand smoke, tremendous shock, and cancer-causing foods can and do cause cancer.
However, cancer can be cured. Studies have proven that a nutritious diet of anti-oxidant foods and nutrients can cure cancer. Cancer fighting foods are as close as your local grocery store shelves. All you need is the knowledge of which particular foods and the correct recipes and you will be able to cure your cancer condition naturally. In this case, knowledge is the power to heal.
A wide variety of foods makes a lifetime cancer-free diet. There is a process to learning how to make food selections and cook in a way that not only cures cancer, but prevents the disease from permeating your body. Two-time cancer survivor and author Carol Patterson has developed many wonderful tasting recipes using cancer fighting foods. Her second diagnosis of cancer prompted the doctors to suggest radical surgery. The author chose alternative cancer cures to save her body from being disfigured and horrendous exposure to chemotherapy again.
The cancer fighting foods program works and be assured that your cancer can be cured. Cancer cures are as close as the local grocery store or health food market coupled with the correct recipes and you will be able to cure yourself of cancer and to maintain a healthy body for the rest of your life. The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths may be diet related. What you eat can hurt you. On the other hand, what you eat can also help you. Knowing which foods are cancer fighting foods, and making the correct choices can save your life.
Many of the common foods found in grocery stores or organic markets contain cancer fighting anti-oxidants and can cure cancer naturally. The antioxidants neutralize damage caused by cancer-causing free radicals and change them into phytochemicals which battle cancer cells. Scientists are just beginning to explore this amazing phenomenon.
Worldwide, we are beginning to realize that the modernization of our food processing system in the last 50 years has led to almost epidemic proportions of cancer and heart disease. Not only are these foods contributing to an enormous obesity problem because of chemical ingestion, but processed foods are poisoning our bodies one day at a time. Over a period of 25-40 years, major damage has been done to our bodies by eating chemically processed foods; and the result is deadly cancer and heart disease.
The good news is that the body has extremely resilient recuperative abilities. Cells divide and regenerate daily, including cancer cells. Cancer cells are missing two essential amino acids: Linolenic Acid and Linoleic Acid. That being the case, it is very logical to realize if we feed the cancer cells the missing amino acids and nutrients, the cells will have the ability to morph and regenerate themselves into healthy cells. The concept is quite simplistic, but it works. Cancer can be cured and many people have been cured from cancer with this concept using cancer-fighting foods.
What researchers are finding is we are what we eat!
All over the world, our diet has changed from the times when we ate mainly farm-fresh foods. We go to the grocery store and buy many processed foods which have chemical preservatives and are generally not healthy for us. In many cases, these foods actually cause cancer one day at a time over a period of years.
On the other hand, there are many foods in our grocery stores which have natural antioxidants and the ability to fight off cancer as well as maintain normal body health. Once you know the correct cancer fighting foods, you can institute a natural cancer cure.
The National Cancer Institute recognizes that diet and nutrition play a big part in fighting cancer. They recommend eating at least five daily servings of fruit and vegetables as part of a low-fat, high fiber diet. Many cancer fighting foods which are high in anti-oxidants are nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
In general, in the western world, our daily diet today is out of balance. We eat too much food; we eat too much meat and fat; we eat too much sugar and salt, and our diet lacks fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. Our normal daily diets are comprised mostly of up to 45% fats. A healthy fat intake should be 30% or less of the total day's food intake.
The National Cancer Institute states that diet and nutrition are factors in 60% of cancers in women and 40% of cancers in men.
Today more and more studies are proving that we can beat cancer with the ammunition of nutritious foods and a balanced diet. John's Hopkins University in their cancer studies has a new update verifying these studies.
It has become common knowledge that nutritional food intake is essential to fighting cancer. It is not logical that the reverse could be true? The wrong foods can and do cause cancer. Not too difficult to figure out!
The National Cancer Institute and the Federal Food and Drug Administration agree that Americans should eat more fiber and reduce their fat intake. These authorities also stress that the freshness of food is an important factor.
Fresh foods straight from your own garden or the farm stand would be the best cancer fighting foods, plus they are delicious tasting! When you use fresh foods for your meals, and prepare them yourself, you know what you are eating. This is essential to a creating a cure for cancer for yourself or loved one.
There are numerous published reports documenting the healing qualities of a healthy diet. The idea of consuming fruits and vegetables while they are still in their natural state means that we preserve the natural nutrients to put into our body.
When making juice from fruits or vegetables, drink the juice within five minutes of processing to preserve the natural nutrients.
Once the principles of fresh food make sense to you, the idea of store-bought, processed food reveals itself as a large part of the problem. Learn to look at the labels on the back of food packages. The best advice is to eat food in its natural state as it comes from the grower. If you can grow your own vegetables, that is an even better solution.
You will begin to realize the more modern we have become in terms of our food process; the more we now have epidemic high levels of cancer, heart disease and obesity and increasing year after year. There is a direct correlation of processed foods and disease which scientists are proving daily.
There is something drastically wrong with this picture! People no longer have to be deathly sick with cancer. Cancer can be cured through cancer fighting foods.
Preparing your own fresh juice and food is slightly more work, but consider the alternative. Other countries such as Japan and China do not have the heart disease, obesity or the cancer problems which we have in the western world. Asian foods are mostly vegetable, nut, fruit and fish based. The health problems of heart disease, obesity, and cancer in the western world, and the food differences between our foods and Asian foods have direct correlation.
Medical and scientific resources are now stating the reason for the high spikes in illness throughout the world is because of processed foods. When you hear a food warning, one at a time on a radio show or a morning talk show, it does not have the impact as it does in written reports complied by government agencies and noted authorities.
It is very logical to see: We are what we eat!
Listed below is a chart of FDA approved fruits and vegetables. Make note on this list; there is plenty of food to eat! Making delicious and healthy cancer fighting foods from this listing is not difficult at all.

TOP 20 FRUITS.............................VEGETABLES...................................FISH
  • Bananas.................................potatoes.........................................shrimp
  • Apples.....................................lettuce.............................................cod
  • Watermelon...........................tomatoes........................................Pollock
  • Oranges.................................onions.............................................catfish
  • Cantaloupe............................carrots.............................................scallops
  • Grapes....................................celery...............................................salmon
  • Grapefruit................................sweet corn......................................flounder
  • Strawberries...........................broccoli............................................sole
  • cabbage...............................oyster
  • roughy
  • Nectarines................................bell peppers....................................mackerel
  • Honeydew melon....................cauliflower.......................................ocean perch
  • Plums........................................leaf lettuce........................................rockfish
  • Avocados..................................sweet potatoes................................whiting
  • Lemons.....................................mushrooms.....................................clams
  • onions....................................haddock
  • crab
  • Sweet cherries.........................radish.................................................trout
  • Kiwis..........................................summer squash..............................halibut
  • Limes........................................asparagus.........................................lobster
Many of the foods on both the FDA recommended list and the cancer fighting foods are the same. Take the time to cross-reference this list with the cancer fighting foods list below. You will see that many of the foods are the same. Amazing!
By changing your diet, and going back to the way we ate 30-50 years ago without processed foods in our diet, you will have the ability to make your body strong and healthy again. Processed foods are a no-no. A lifetime of processed foods can lead to cancer, heart disease, and obesity, which have all become epidemic proportion in the western world.
We have gotten away from true center in our food intake.
We eat too much, and especially eat too much of the wrong foods. If you look at the daily diet of an average teenager, think fast-forward 25-40 years from now, to the amount of illness which will strike their lives after 25-40 years of ingesting chemically processed foods. This is one of the reasons childhood obesity is at epidemic levels. These children do not have a chance for a long healthy life unless they change their eating habits and stop eating processed foods and chemicals.
We drink processed soft drinks and orange juice which are filled with high sugar content, we eat processed meat and dairy products which have high chemical content, and we cook our food to the point where we have lost the nutrition either to the water in the boil, or the flame of the cooking process.
Foods, as prepared in most Asian countries, do not have the cancer risk we have developed over time in our food processing and preparations in the western world.
There is logic to the association of healthy foods and the relationship to a healthy body.
Listed below are foods which are cancer-fighting foods which can be used to cure cancer. These foods also happen to be foods for living a wonderfully healthy lifestyle.
  • Avocados
  • Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Chili peppers and jalapenos
  • Figs
  • Flax
  • Garlic
  • Ginger
  • Grapefruits
  • Grapes, red
  • Green and yellow leafy vegetables
  • Kale
  • Licorice root
  • Mushrooms
  • Nuts
  • Oranges and lemons
  • Papayas
  • Raspberries
  • Red wine
  • Rosemary
  • Seaweed and other sea vegetables
  • Sesame Seed Oil
  • Soy products such as Tofu
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Teas: Green Tea and Black Tea
  • Tomatoes
  • Turmeric
  • Turnips
Nature has provided a plethora of foods for us to eat and enjoy a healthy life. Have some fun creating recipes that include the cancer fighting foods in this article. Explore your grocery store in the vegetable and organic sections. There are many foods readily available at your local grocery or health food store on this list.
In the book Cure Your Self of Cancer by two-time cancer survivor Carol Patterson, you will find breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes for a 30-Day Anti-Cancer Dietconsisting of cancer fighting foods which uses all of the foods mentioned in this article. This diet of cancer fighting foods can save your life. Her book shows us how to use cancer fighting foods to cure cancer. The recipes are also a delicious lifetime diet which you can use in order to maintain a healthy being for many years to come.

Exercise For Pregnant Women!

If you're about to have a child, you may want to know how to exercise for pregnant women. I'm going to give you some simple, safe things you can do at home. If you're pregnant right now, take 2 minutes to read this article for some new ways to stay healthy and maintain a good pregnancy weight.

Exercise for Pregnant Women
1. Mini-trampoline jumping
This is a nice, smooth exercise. The bouncing is pretty minimal actually. It's not like you're going to be jumping 5 inches up off the mini-trampoline. Instead, you sway your feet back and forth while your toes never leave contact with the mini-trampoline. Only your heels lift off it. Do this for a total of 15-20 minutes a day. It's a great exercise for diminishing cellulite as well. Do this everyday.

2. Wall squats
Standing with your back against a wall, slide down the wall into a squat position. Then squat back up. Do that for 3-4 sets of 10 reps. Depending on what area of your thighs you most want to work, move your feet in or out. Your feet closer together works more the outer thighs while spreading your feet farther apart targets more the inner thighs. Do this 3 days a week.

3. Wall push ups
Put your hands on a wall and bring your face to the wall so that your nose almost touches it. Then push off it. Do 3 sets of as many of these wall push ups as you can do. This is good for your upper body strength... in your chest, shoulders, and arms. Do these 3-4 times a week. Takes less than 5 minutes.
Exercise for pregnant women isn't complicated, just focus on using these 3 exercises for good healthy weight.

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