All HEALTH and FITNESS information published on this blog is meant only as a guideline, always be sure to contact your healthcare provider as soon as you have any concerns.

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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Short and Meaningful Christmas Wishes

Meaningful Christmas Wishes:"May the Christmas Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your family.""The gift of Love. The gift of Peace. The gift of Happiness. May all these be yours at Christmas.""Wishing you a season full of light and laughter for you and your family." "Best wishes for...

Nail Biting Basics

Nail biting in all its various forms is problematic behavior beset by peculiarity and contradiction. Technically speaking, the correct word for nail biting is ONYCHOPHAGIA. Nail biting typically begins between the ages of five and 10 and is common among children as well as adults. As many as one...

Exercises to Do at Home For Body Toning and Weight Loss

Here are a few exercises to do at home if you want to tone up your body and lose a little bit of weight. These exercises will allow you to save both time and money while also improving your results. This article will take no more than 2 minutes of your time, yet it can help you "see the trees...

Cancer Fighting Foods - Cure Your Self of Cancer

Cancer cells are always present in the body and are normally kept in check by our body's own natural defense system. Do you know how the body's natural defense system works and where it gets the ammunition to do so? Do you know at what point the body succumbs to the disease named cancer? Millions...

Exercise For Pregnant Women!

If you're about to have a child, you may want to know how to exercise for pregnant women. I'm going to give you some simple, safe things you can do at home. If you're pregnant right now, take 2 minutes to read this article for some new ways to stay healthy and maintain a good pregnancy weight. Exercise...

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