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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Yoga for Beginners: Stress Management Solutions

Yoga training gives us empowerment. Among the many powers we receive from regular Yoga practice is the power to say "no." How often do you fill your plate with excessive obligations? Do you take on problems, which cannot be helped? 
We are not talking about getting away from your responsibilities. Some of us have a terrible time saying "no" to people who waste our time. Here is an example: A co-worker has had the same problem, day in, day out, for years, and calls you on the telephone, about her problem, at your home. You have errands to run, for your family, but this co-worker spends the better part of an hour using you for a "sounding board." You have given her advice, but she never listens because she is too busy complaining to consider listening to you or solving her problem. Your Yoga teacher talks about mindfulness and loving kindness toward others all the time. 

What can you do? Do not pick up the phone or try to handle this person's problems. You have given this person advice and she refuses to listen. Your Yoga teacher has discussed "living in the moment." Your objective is to make positive changes, now, for a brighter future. You cannot do that, if you are listening to the same problem over and over again. What is the best course of action? As Yoga practitioners, we should show loving kindness, mindfulness, and help others whenever it is possible, but we cannot help anyone who refuses to take responsibility for his or her life. When you empathically listen to your friends, family, and associates - you are giving your time, and this is a form of Karma Yoga, but you cannot afford to absorb their stress. See negative energy for what it is. When a person is full of negative thought, and you cannot help, you will, most likely, absorb this energy in the form of stress. Now, let's look at some other ways, in which, Yoga will help us with everyday stress. Consider your "total health picture." What you eat and drink can also cause stress. Caffeine, which speeds the heart rate and shortens your breath, can be found in coffee, tea, soda, hot cocoa, and chocolate. How fast do you eat? How much do you eat at one sitting? How much sleep do you get per night? All of these factors can be modified to manage your stress levels. 

Yoga teaches us that moderation is the key to good health. The results of steady Yoga practice will be reflected by living a less stressful lifestyle and making a change. One last point to mention: Many of us worry about the future, causing us even more stress. Yoga practice teaches us to live in the present moment. The future has many variables, and we cannot see all of them. Preparation and pro-active behavior should be geared toward finding solutions, instead of worrying. It is normal to worry, but we all know it is a waste of time. How often do the things you worry about really happen?

How to Remove Stretch Marks

If we had the answer to this one, we'd all be millionaires. But we don't. Because once you have them, stretch marks are forever, although with time, they usually do fade.
Stretch marks on your skin, are caused by over-extension of the collagen, which is the fiber under the skin. This can be caused by pregnancy, excessive weight gain, obesity, and even body builders who have "pumped up" their muscles may experience them.
As the fiber tears, you may see a thin red line that eventually turns white as it heals. Technically speaking, this is scar tissue, in such thin and hard to handle layers, that it would be impossible to remove through surgery, not to mention extremely invasive given the network of lines that many pregnant women develop on their hips, stomach and buttocks.
Laser surgery is being touted at the newest method for removal. It is a very precise science that may remove some of the marks, but cannot repair the damaged fibers.
As is often the case with many things, prevention is better than looking for a cure that isn't there. Avoid excessive weight gains, and when pregnant, continue to exercise during the pregnancy and afterwards, to tighten up skin fibers. While coco butter based creams are often pushed as a cure, the most they can do for you is to soften the skin, which will keep your skin more supple, but won't remove stretch marks. Another tip is to keep yourself well hydrated, since dry skin has less flexible tissue, making it more prone to the tears.

Irritating Skin After Shaving, This is what you should do

Guys and ladies too, I have some good news about shaving. You have probably experienced some of the hassles and problems of this chore and are familiar with its inherent potential for being very annoying.

You may be frustrated with razor burn and dry skin after struggling with your daily shaving routine. You can bet I tried all kinds of different razors, shaving cream and even some aftershaves to see what I could do about this problem.
You want to know what I found after a lot of experimenting and trying different things? You probably have a neat handy little item that is common household fare and may be found in your kitchen. It's Olive Oil. You got it, olive oil!

The benefits to using olive oil for shaving are huge. It is such a natural lubricant that the right kind of razor will slide right across your face giving you smooth and soft skin and still getting the job of cutting the growth from your face. And the best part is that your skin will actually start to look younger after using olive oil to shave with over the long term.
Therefore, do not forget to apply some olive oil to your forehead when you shave too. The reason is that the rest of your face will become younger looking and you want your forehead to keep up. In retrospect, I remember reading about a famous Hollywood actress that mentioned that olive oil was her secret to having great skin.
You can bet that others are using olive oil to shave with too. I did a search right before deciding to share this information with you and sure enough there are other people out there that shave with olive oil.

One nice thing about it is that you don't have to use high quality olive oil. You can buy the inexpensive low grade olive oil that doesn't taste very good from your local supermarket to shave with. A bottle will last a really long time. You can kiss your shaving cream goodbye. You can also leave out aftershave if you so choose. Your skin should feel great without it.
Now, let's talk about that razor of yours. Here is what I have found out about razors and am willing to share with you. Even though I use the great lubricant properties of olive oil to shave with, I still have found a few issues that using the right kind of razor can help with.

If your experience is similar to mine, you may have found that it is difficult to shave in the grooves of your neck and face, particularly under the jaw bone with typical razors. Even with olive oil you can still easily cut your face if you make the wrong movement. You might find that that Gillette's Mach 3 and olive oil are the perfect combination.
The Mach 3 has a nice swivel head with a great lubricating strip. This allows for the flexibility to really get into the nooks and crannies when used in combination with the olive oil. You will be able to get in there with a lot less fear of cutting yourself. It's not impossible, but the Mach 3 does make it a lot harder to cut the skin of your face.

You may be using another brand of razor with a lubricating a strip. So far, in my opinion, none have come close to the Mach 3 for safety and comfort. I do sometimes use a stiffer blade to make the vertical strokes because it can be really effective. But, when it comes time to dig into those nooks and crannies, I like to break out the Mach 3.
No, I don't work for Gillette and I am in no way associated with them. The reason I use a stiffer blade for the vertical strokes is because its effective and also less expensive. The Mach 3 blades are a bit on the expensive side, so you can save a little bit by just reserving them for the nooks and crannies. With the use of olive oil, you might be able to get a longer usage period out of a blade before needing to dispose of it.

For ladies, I suggest using a sparing amount of olive oil. The reason is that you will be covering a much larger area and too much olive oil can get a little messy. For us guys, we can probably enjoy the luxury of using more because it is easier to wash from the face.
I wish you the best of luck with your next shaving experience

This article is for information purposes only. I cannot assume any liability for your use or misuse of this information. If you are not willing to assume the full risk and responsibility for the potential consequences from using this information you are advised not to use it. It's impossible to know the skill levels or abilities or available equipment of any individual out there, therefore I cannot be responsible for the use or misuse of this information. Your use of this information implies your consent to bear the full responsibility for any result that may come from its use or misuse.

Do You Have Stretch Marks?

In these times of cultural emphasis on physical perfection, anyone who is struggling with stretch marks on their skin may be concerned about their appearance, their location, and their marring of otherwise healthy-looking tissue. Yet most stretch marks are harmless in themselves; they merely represent the fact that skin in a certain area has been pulled or stretched beyond its original position or placement on the body, which can occur during pregnancy when the abdomen increases to accommodate the growing baby, or during weight gain, as extra pounds pull the skin beyond its original boundaries.
Sometimes stretch marks appear of their own volition, depending on your skin's elasticity and the type of exercises or daily movements you make that could impact your skin's conditioning. Dry skin may seem to shrivel in spots and lose its elasticity, producing reddish squiggly lines that will eventually shrink and fade, but perhaps not quite disappear. Although millions of people live with this condition and don't seem to mind a certain amount of stretched skin area, others fight the appearance of stretch marks with vehemence, determined to make their body as beautiful and smooth as it was before these tell-tale wrinkles appeared.
As with most unwanted conditions, prevention is the best treatment. To avoid the appearance of those fine lines on areas that are most likely to be affected, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and the underside of the upper arms, make a point of eating a healthy diet. Most of us need at least two fruits and three fresh or cooked vegetables each day, along with a well-balanced set of meals that provide the nourishment we need to get and stay healthy. Some people may even want to take a multivitamin to be sure they are getting adequate protection.
Another thing that some experts recommend is to drink at least eight glasses of clear fluids daily. Water helps to rinse away bodily debris to keep skin supple and clear. Some medical researchers believe that drinking plenty of water can improve circulation and cleanse the body of toxins, both of which may help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Avoid gaining extra pounds. Your frame has only a certain ability to accommodate all the weight you put on. After the limit is reached, extra tissue in the form of excess weight can become stretched and dimpled to create an unattractive and unhealthy impression. If you are already overweight, consult your doctor about a plan to lose the extra pounds.
Women who plan to get pregnant should follow a sensible diet. They also may want to rub baby oil or cocoa butter on their abdomens to keep them supple. Some women claim this helps to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Ask your doctor if this might work for you.
Of course, if all else fails, wear clothes that cover the offensive marks. But chances are that no one but you would notice them anyway, so bear them proudly as evidence of your life-giving ability, if you are a mother, or of your successful weight loss efforts if the marks are due to pounds you have lost.

Avoiding depression: Depression is a mind disease, It is usually caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain

Can you really avoid depression? Is there a way that you can get rid of this awful disease that seems to be taking over your life? For many, the only way to rid their bodies of depression is by taking medications and getting therapy. Both of these things are great ways to work through your depression, but is there a way in which you can avoid it altogether?
Depression is a mind disease. It is usually caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Sometimes, we refer to ourselves as being depressed when things go wrong. This is not the clinical form of depression, but both of these conditions can feel like the end of the world. The only way to avoid depression or really low times is to simply fight against it by surrounding yourself with good thoughts, experiences and people. Will it cure you of your depression? No, not technically. But, by surrounding yourself with a positive environment filled with positive energy, you may find that the effects that depression has on you is lessened.
Only your doctor can help you overcome depression. But, by placing positiveness within your life, you may be able to lessen the effects depression has. This is never a reason not to see your doctor though. If you would like more information regarding avoiding depression you can seek out the knowledge that is available throughout the internet.

3 Easy Ways to Follow and Helpful Weight Loss Tips For the Busy Mom

1. Get back in touch with physical hunger. 
When you lead a busy life it is very easy to just react and eat instead of eating to satisfy physical hunger. By getting familiar with true physical hunger again you will be able to make better eating decisions.

The idea is simple, right before you put food in your mouth ask yourself, "how hungry is my stomach?" and then assign your hunger a number between 0 and 10 where "0" equals starving. By doing this for only a few days you will start to get back in touch with your true needs and avoid unconscious eating.

2. Become a mindful eater. 
The more aware you are of your food the slower you will eat and the more satisfied you will stay. The simplest way to become a mindful eater is to pull in more of your senses when you eat. Instead of just popping the food in your mouth look at it first and then notice if it has an aroma, when you bite into it listen for a sound, note how it feels in your mouth and how it tastes. In other words use all 5 of your senses when eating.

3. Have a Stopper handy. 
It is easy to overeat even when you know in your head that you don't need the food, for those times have a Stopper handy. This is any food, drink or activity that is incompatible with eating. Try sticking a piece of gum in your mouth or a few cinnamon Tic-Tacs or simply folding your napkin over your plate.

These are just a few of the helpful weight loss tips you as a busy mom can start using to get the weight off without adding to your list of things to do, if you are ready to lose the weight then these tips are the way to go.

Losing this extra weight you are carrying is possible but there are things you must do first.

Memory lapses can occur at any age, but aging alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline

Everyone has the occasional "senior moment." Maybe you've gone into the kitchen and can't remember why, or can't recall a familiar name during a conversation. Memory lapses can occur at any age, but aging alone is generally not a cause of cognitive decline. When significant memory loss occurs among older people, it is generally not due to aging but to organic disorders, brain injury, or neurological illness.
Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits:
  • staying physically active
  • getting enough sleep
  • not smoking
  • having good social connections
  • limiting alcohol to one drink a day
  • eating a balanced diet low in saturated and trans fats.
Certain health conditions that can impair cognitive skills include diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, depression, and hypothyroidism. If you have any of these health issues, you can help protect your memory by following your doctor's advice carefully.
Memory changes can be frustrating, but the good news is that, thanks to decades of research, you can learn how to get your mind active. There are various strategies we can use to protect and improve memory. Here are several you might try.
1. Keep learning
A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Experts think that advanced education may help keep memory strong by getting a person into the habit of being mentally active. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active, but pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, or volunteering for a project at work that involves a skill you don't usually use can function the same way and help improve memory.
2. Use all your senses
The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain that will be involved in retaining the memory. In one study, adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images, each presented along with a smell. They were not asked to remember what they saw. Later, they were shown a set of images, this time without odors, and asked to indicate which they'd seen before. They had excellent recall for all odor-paired pictures, and especially for those associated with pleasant smells. Brain imaging indicated that the piriform cortex, the main odor-processing region of the brain, became active when people saw objects originally paired with odors, even though the smells were no longer present and the subjects hadn't tried to remember them. So challenge all your senses as you venture into the unfamiliar.
3. Believe in yourself
Myths about aging can contribute to a failing memory. Middle-aged and older learners do worse on memory tasks when they're exposed to negative stereotypes about aging and memory, and better when the messages are positive about memory preservation into old age. People who believe that they are not in control of their memory function — joking about "senior moments" too often, perhaps — are less likely to work at maintaining or improving their memory skills and therefore are more likely to experience cognitive decline. If you believe you can improve and you translate that belief into practice, you have a better chance of keeping your mind sharp.
4. Prioritize your brain use
If you don't need to use mental energy remembering where you laid your keys or the time of your granddaughter's birthday party, you'll be better able to concentrate on learning and remembering new and important things. Take advantage of calendars and planners, maps, shopping lists, file folders, and address books to keep routine information accessible. Designate a place at home for your glasses, purse, keys, and other items you use often.
5. Repeat what you want to know
When you want to remember something you've just heard, read, or thought about, repeat it out loud or write it down. That way, you reinforce the memory or connection. For example, if you've just been told someone's name, use it when you speak with him or her: "So, John, where did you meet Camille?"
6. Space it out
Repetition is most potent as a learning tool when it's properly timed. It's best not to repeat something many times in a short period, as if you were cramming for an exam. Instead, re-study the essentials after increasingly longer periods of time — once an hour, then every few hours, then every day. Spacing out periods of study helps improve memory and is particularly valuable when you are trying to master complicated information, such as the details of a new work assignment.

Three [3] Best Foods You Must Start Eating Now for Kidney Stone Prevention!

Suffering from stone formation in the kidneys is one of the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy food habits and inadequate water consumption are considered as the prime reasons behind the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
The accumulation of dissolved minerals in the inner lining of the kidneys results in the formation of stones which can grow from small to the size of a large golf ball with a crystalline structure.

As mentioned earlier lack of adequate water intake in the body leads to the formation of stones in the kidney as the insufficient supply of water fails to dilute the uric acid which makes the urine more acidic that gradually lead to stones formation. The most common symptoms of this disorder are bleeding and burning sensation while urination, vomiting, the formation of pus in the urine in association with fever and shivering.

Medical practitioners and researchers suggested maintaining a healthy lifestyle backed up by a nutritious diet plan and most importantly regular consumption of a minimum of 8 - 10 glasses of water or healthy juices lower the risks of stone formation in the kidneys. If you are sufficiently hydrated it will help your system to dilute the chemicals responsible for stone formation.
Apart from water, the inclusion of top 3 food habits in your diet can plays significant role in kidney stone prevention. Such as:

1. Increase in citrus intake: 
The best sources of naturally occurring citric acid are lemon, oranges, and grapefruits. Citric acid builds a protective shield against the formation of stones in your kidney. It helps in breaking up the potential blocks of stone formation into smaller pieces which get expelled through urination.

2. Include calcium (Vitamin D): 
Lower your oxalate level by including more calcium into your diet. It is always advisable by the health experts to extract calcium from natural sources rather than from the supplements. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered as the prime sources to obtain calcium. Apart from these, dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are also the rich source of calcium. It is equally essential to increase the intake of vitamin D, as it helps in the absorption of more calcium. The lower is the calcium level in your diet, the more is the increase in oxalate level which is primarily responsible for the stone formation.

3. Watery fruits and vegetables: 
Though drinking sufficient water and healthy fluids are advisable to prevent stones formation, the consumption of watery fruits and vegetables are prescribed by the physicians to get rid of stones. The inclusion of watery fruits and vegetables like watermelon, raspberries, oranges, cucumber, and pineapple help in keeping the body well hydrated thus reducing the possibility of stone formation in the kidneys and urinary tract.
The build-up of stones depends on a lot of factors including hereditary and medical cases have also proved that one person may suffer from kidney stones for multiple times during his/her lifetime and men is the worst sufferer of chronic stone formation. Prevention of causes that are responsible for this complication is a bit tough process which requires some patience and determination. One must not ignore the primary symptoms of stone formation before it takes a fatal leap.

Do You Have Stretch Marks? You should see this!
In these times of cultural emphasis on physical perfection, anyone who is struggling with stretch marks on their skin may be concerned about their appearance, their location, and their marring of otherwise healthy-looking tissue...Continue Reading!

Do You Have Stretch Marks? You should see this!
In these times of cultural emphasis on physical perfection, anyone who is struggling with stretch marks on their skin may be concerned about their appearance, their location, and their marring of otherwise healthy-looking tissue. Yet most stretch marks are harmless in themselves; they merely represent the fact that skin in a certain area has been pulled or stretched beyond its original position or placement on the body, which can occur during pregnancy when the abdomen increases to accommodate the growing baby, or during weight gain, as extra pounds pull the skin beyond its original boundaries.

Sometimes stretch marks appear of their own volition, depending on your skin's elasticity and the type of exercises or daily movements you make that could impact your skin's conditioning. Dry skin may seem to shrivel in spots and lose its elasticity, producing reddish squiggly lines that will eventually shrink and fade, but perhaps not quite disappear. Although millions of people live with this condition and don't seem to mind a certain amount of stretched skin area, others fight the appearance of stretch marks with vehemence, determined to make their body as beautiful and smooth as it was before these tell-tale wrinkles appeared.

As with most unwanted conditions, prevention is the best treatment. To avoid the appearance of those fine lines on areas that are most likely to be affected, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and the underside of the upper arms, make a point of eating a healthy diet. Most of us need at least two fruits and three fresh or cooked vegetables each day, along with a well-balanced set of meals that provide the nourishment we need to get and stay healthy. Some people may even want to take a multivitamin to be sure they are getting adequate protection.

Another thing that some experts recommend is to drink at least eight glasses of clear fluids daily. Water helps to rinse away bodily debris to keep skin supple and clear. Some medical researchers believe that drinking plenty of water can improve circulation and cleanse the body of toxins, both of which may help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Avoid gaining extra pounds. Your frame has only a certain ability to accommodate all the weight you put on. After the limit is reached, extra tissue in the form of excess weight can become stretched and dimpled to create an unattractive and unhealthy impression. If you are already overweight, consult your doctor about a plan to lose the extra pounds.

Women who plan to get pregnant should follow a sensible diet. They also may want to rub baby oil or cocoa butter on their abdomens to keep them supple. Some women claim this helps to prevent the formation of stretch marks. Ask your doctor if this might work for you.
Of course, if all else fails, wear clothes that cover the offensive marks. But chances are that no one but you would notice them anyway, so bear them proudly as evidence of your life-giving ability, if you are a mother, or of your successful weight loss efforts if the marks are due to pounds you have lost.

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