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Seven [7] Proven Medical Benefits of Marijuana

In this article, we are going to talk about a few medical benefits of marijuana that you can enjoy if you have a medical prescription. In other words, we are going to shed some light on the positives on the basis of scientific research. Marijuana is not recommended for recreational purposes.
According to researchers, the herb can help with the treatment of absent-mindedness, malaria, gout, and rheumatism, just to name a few. Now, let's talk about some of the prominent benefits of this herb.

1. Cancer Treatment
According to a study published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, marijuana can help fight cancer. Another study found that CBD can also curb the growth of cancer cells in the body.
The researchers at the American Association for Cancer Research say that the herb does a good job of slowing down the growth of tumors in the lungs, breasts, and brain.

2. Prevents Alzheimer's Disease
CBD has a powerful ingredient called THC that helps control the Alzheimer's disease, says the research that was done at the Scripps Research Institute. Also, THC can curb the growth of amyloid plaques as it tends to block the plaque-producing enzymes. You may get Alzheimer's disease if your brain cells get killed by the plaques.

3. Treats Glaucoma
CBD may also help treat glaucoma. Actually, marijuana reduces pressure in your eyes, which helps protect your eyeball.

4. Relieves Arthritis
According to a 2011 research study, researchers concluded that cannabis can help patients get rid of pain and swelling. As a result, patients with rheumatoid arthritis can get enough sleep.

5. Treats Epileptic Seizure
Another study done in 2003 found that the herb can be used to treat epileptic seizures as well. An experiment done on rats gave enough evidence that CBD does prevent seizures for up to 10 hours. Actually, THC binds the cells in the brain that are responsible for triggering seizures.

6. Helps with Parkinson's Disease
Many studies were done in Israel to find out the benefits of marijuana for patients with Parkinson's disease. The study found that the drug can help ease the pain, which helps patients improve their sleep. The patients consumed the herb also enjoyed better motor skills.

7. Helps with Crohn's Disease
Cannabis is also a good choice for patients with Crohn's disease. This disease causes pain and inflammation in the intestines. Patients also experience pain, weight loss, diarrhea, and nausea.
In Israel, studies were done to find out if this disease can be controlled with cannabis. And the results were positive. More than 90% of the participants who smoked marijuana experienced fewer symptoms.
Long story short, if more research is done, we may come to know about a lot of other benefits of this herb as well. For now, we can say that CBD has some benefits as far as the treatment of the abovementioned diseases is concerned. However, we don't recommend that you smoke or use this herb in any form without a valid medical prescription. Hope this helps.

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