How does it occur?
Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are the two major bacterial types capable of infecting our skin. The lesser type of bacteria can emanate from hospital environments, gardening or swimming in stagnant waters or even in an ocean. The entry point for bacteria is the small breaks in the epidermis resulting from burns, punctures, scrapes etc. Swollen areas can be more vulnerable particularly when fluid is retained.
In infants, the neonatal stage is particularly vulnerable. Infant care being left in the hands of nurses or housemaids in modern times only increases the risk of skin diseases and infection.
How can you prevent these infections?
A good personal hygiene regimen can help prevent bacterial skin infections to a large extent. During the course of a day, we voluntarily or involuntarily touch several surfaces. Some of these may be carriers of bacteria which can be harmful to your skin. Washing your hands and keeping them clean promotes good skin health. Spreading of infection may not occur from casual contact but hats, bed linen and towels are sources of close contact and can spread bacteria.
How can you treat bacterial skin infections?
In general, most forms of skin infection can be treated at home. But, when the condition becomes worse and you feel, then you should seek medical advice. Tamanu Oil is a natural remedy which has beneficial anti inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, skin healing and antimicrobial properties.
It is best to avoid chemical based preparations unless it is under medical advice. The allergens in some of the chemicals may potentially accelerate your problem rather than cure it.
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