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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Heart Disease in Women: The Number One Killer

To understand the seriousness of heart disease in women, we need to first look at the facts. According to recent studies, it's found that more than 8 million American women are currently living with some form of heart disease. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death of American women and more women than men die of heart disease each year.

Heart disease in women can be diagnosed and treated but the key to staying healthy is prevention. Once a woman finds out that she has heart disease, it may already be too late. Chances are, that woman has engaged in several risk factors throughout her lifetime that contributed to her contracting the disease. Such risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease in women include cigarette smoking, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, not being active, diabetes and obesity.

Women need to understand that these risk factors need to be avoided as much as possible because they are so susceptible to the disease. Heart disease in women doesn't need to be as much of an epidemic it has become. With just a few lifestyle changes, all women can once more live long and healthy lives without the risk for heart disease.
Of course, there are other risk factors that increase the risk for heart disease in women that can't be helped. These risk factors include age, heredity, the effects of menopause, etc. By knowing this, women should arm themselves with as much information as they can so that they can know just what they are dealing with.

Heart disease in women doesn't need to have such a high morality rate.
By adopting a few lifestyle changes such as getting more exercise, eating right, quitting smoking and reducing stress levels, women can drastically reduce the propensity for heart disease. This is important not only for heart disease but for other diseases as well.

Heart disease in women does claim many lives each and every year but the disease can be manageable and preventable. Women need to study and learn as much as they can. They need to be educated. Not many women know that they have such a high probability of getting the disease. All women need to know that they have a greater risk of getting the disease than men. By understanding and knowing this, women will have a step up on this horrible disease and, maybe one day, heart disease in women will be a thing of the past.

Various Stages of Gum Disease

Contrary to the popular belief, gum disease is not only a disease of gums. Rather, it is an inflammation and / or infection of the dental tissues that can affect teeth and, in severe cases, even the bone that holds your teeth in their sockets. Medically or clinically known as periodontal disease, the term "gum disease" is often synonymously used with the term "gingivitis" and "periodontitis".
The following article is intended to give you some basic insights of the gum disease and also focuses on the key differences between the various stages of the same. However, to better understand the development and progression of gum disease, it is crucial that you first understand the following basic terminologies that play a central role in all types and stages of gum disease:
Plaque: Also known as dental plaque, it is the thin, sticky layer film that consists of bacteria, debris and food particles. If not removed on regular basis, it will continue to accumulate on teeth surface and will cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Calculus (Tartar):It is the hardened and rigid form of plaque that may result if the gum disease is not treated early.
Causes and risk factors of gum disease 
While plaque (and bacteria) is considered the main cause of gum disease, other risk factors such as chewing tobacco, malnutrition, alcohol consumption, smoking, higher levels of stress and certain drugs may also act as contributing or aggravating factors.
Classification of gum disease 
On the basis of its severity, area involved and associated complications, gum disease can be further subdivided into the following stages or types:

1st stage (Gingivitis) 
Clinically known as gingivitis (gingival = gums, itis = inflammation), the first stage of gum disease simply refers to the inflammation of your gums. In the early or first stage of gum disease, bacteria-laden plaque builds up gradually, eventually irritating the gums. It has been suggested that this irritation is caused due to the toxins released by the accumulated bacteria. As a result, gum becomes inflamed, may swell, redden and bleed quickly and easily while brushing the teeth.
Characteristics of 1st stage 
Calculus along your sensitive gum line is changed into a rough surface on which plaque accumulates. 
Tender, red, sore, and bleeding gums 
Bad breath may or may not be present. 
Spaces between the gum and tooth (periodontal pockets) may exist (though not always) due to the damages caused to the periodontal fibers that hold the gums tightly against the teeth. 
No underlying bone is involved or damaged 
This is relatively a mild form of gum disease and is easily reversible if treated early and properly

Second stage (Periodontitis) 
If the first stage is left untreated, the second stage often results in which the plaque turns into hard tartar which would not be removed by brushing alone. Also known as Periodontitis, it is a moderately severe form of gum disease which requires aggressive treatment.
Characteristics of 2nd stage 
Unlike the first stage, plaque (and / or calculus) is not found "along" but "below" the gum line. 
Bad breath is present. 
Tender, red, sore and bleeding gums may also be present. 
Periodontal pockets are formed as the dental tissues (gums and supportive ligaments) begin to pull away from the teeth. These pockets act as a trap for infection. 
Bone starts to show damage, often leading to loose permanent teeth. 
While relatively hard to treat, this stage can be reversed if addressed early and properly.

Third stage (Advanced Periodontitis) 
Also known as advanced or severe periodontitis, this stage represents the irreversible and complicated form of gum disease which is characterized by bone involvement, tooth decay and permanent tooth loss.
Characteristics of 3rd stage 
• Periodontal pockets deepen and create more space for even increased bacterial activity which creates until eventually the bones holding the teeth are damaged and destroyed, leading to tooth decay and loss. 
• The deeper pockets may fill with pus. This pus exists between the teeth and gums and is more visible when the gums are pressed together. 
• There may be swelling around the root which leads to even greater bone loss. 
• Your bite is affected. 
• Your permanent teeth may lose so much support that either they fall out or need to be removed forever. 
• This third and the final; stage of gum disorder is irreversible.

All in all, periodontal disease is a common and serious oral disorder that needs to be addressed early and treated properly. Depending on the severity and its progression, gum disease can be divided into the mild (1st stage), moderate (2nd stage) and severe (3rd stage) forms. The third stage is irreversible and often results in permanent tooth loss. Therefore, the earlier you treat it, the simper and easier it is to manage and cure, and the greater chance you have of restoring the original condition and health of your oral cavity and saving your gums and teeth. Finally, you must also not forget that even if you don't notice any signs or clinical manifestations, you may still have some "silent or dormant" gum disorder. Therefore, regular dental and oral examination by your dentist or periodontist is the key for diagnosing the disease early and at a reversible stage.

How to Manage Hypertension Using Natural Ways

While prescription drugs can lower blood pressure, it may cause side effects such as leg cramps, dizziness, and insomnia. Fortunately, most people can bring down their pressure naturally without medication with home remedies for low pressure (called hypotension). First, get to a healthy weight (these tips can help you get there). Then try these strategies to reduce the risk of heart disease.

High blood pressure plays a contributing role in more than 15% of deaths in the United States.

some points are given below these points are helpful for control hypertension

1. Go for walks
Exercise helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently, so it doesn't work as hard to pump blood. Hypertensive patients who went for fitness walks at a brisk pace lowered pressure by almost 8 mmHg over 6 mmHg, found the study.

2. Breathe in deeply
Slow breathing and meditative practices such as qigong, yoga, and tai chi decrease stress hormones, which elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure. Try 5 minutes in the morning and at night for low pressure. Inhale deeply and expand your belly. Exhale and release all of your tension. (Try these stress-busting yoga poses to relieve tension.)

3. Pick potatoes every day
Loading up on potassium-rich fruits and vegetables is an important part of any pressure lowering program, says Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., RD, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Aim for 2,000 to 4,000 mg of potassium a day, she says.

4. Be salt smart
Certain groups of people-the elderly, African Americans, and those with a family history of high blood pressure-are more likely than others to have a pressure that's particularly salt (or sodium) sensitive.

5. Indulge in chocolate
Dark chocolate varieties contain flavanols that make blood vessels more elastic and increase the chances of low blood pressure. In one study, 18% of patients who ate it every day saw pressure decrease

6. Take a good supplement
In a review of 12 studies, researchers found that coenzyme Q10 reduced pressure by up to 17 mmHg over 10 mmHg.

7. Drink light alcohol
According to a review of 15 studies, the less you drink, the lower your blood pressure will drop-to a point. A study of women at Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital, for example, found that light drinking (defined as one-quarter to one-half a drink per day for a woman) may actually reduce blood pressure more than no drinks per day.

8. Relax with music
They asked 28 adults who were already taking hypertension medication to listen to soothing classical, Celtic, or Indian music for 30 minutes daily while breathing slowly.

I think Firstly, get to a healthy weight. Then try these strategies to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Top 5 Steps to Defeat Asthma - Natural Treatment

Suffering with Asthma every day is like having an extra job trying to control the symptoms. It only takes one day when the air pollution is higher than normal causing you to wheeze so bad you can't make it into work. The cold air hitting your lungs causes you to have an asthma attack so you stay home more than going out. You resort to your medication to keep your asthma at bay. Does this sound like you?

Choosing a natural treatment for asthma may be what you need not only to relieve your symptoms but to heal your body from the inside.

#1. Asthma is an inflammatory reaction to allergens and irritants. Before we can deal with the inflammation it's important to start the process of treating your asthma naturally by analyzing your environment.

Remove all allergens and irritants that may trigger an asthma attack: chemicals, aerosol sprays, animal dander, certain medications, molds, perfumes, pollens, sulfites.

#2. Our diets are one of the main sources of inflammation that we face daily. We eat at least three times per day, and that repetitive level of inflammation needs to be addressed if you are ever to get off some of your medication and breathe more easily.

Eat more anti-inflammatory foods like: apricots, cruciferous vegetables, onions, papaya, pumpkin and tomatoes. Foods to avoid: Citrus fruits, dairy products, dyes and preservatives, sugar and wheat.

#3. People with asthma need to pay particular attention to fats because good fats are anti-inflammatory. Omega 3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, while Omega 6 fatty acids promote inflammation. We tend to eat foods high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Good examples of omega-3 fatty acids are those in fish. Increase your intake of fish (or take a high quality fish oil supplement), nuts, olive oil while decreasing the amount of canola oil, and processed food of any kind.

#4. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our gut and are commonly destroyed by the antibiotics we take regularly. Supplementing with probiotics can help heal asthma naturally from within.

#5. Often times, asthmatics are depleted of crucial nutrients due to the chronic inflammation in the body. Take a high quality nutritional supplement which supplies all the vitamins and minerals important to the immune system.

This 5 step Asthma Natural Treatment will absolutely influence how well you breathe and start healing your body from the inside.

Best healthy food to eat during pregnancy

Top Ten Foods People Eat During Pregnancy
Pregnancy changes the chemistry of your body in strange and miraculous ways. Since you're eating for two now, you might get hit with some rather odd food cravings that seem to come out of the blue. Here are the top ten foods which most women claim will help to satisfy these cravings, all while offering significant nutritional value.

1) Ice Cream
Craving sweets in a big way is something that's commonly reported among pregnant women. The need for extra sugar and fatty foods as the baby develops is a perfectly natural reaction to the body flooding itself with hormones, but it's important not to go overboard with it.

2) Pickles
Sour foods, including many raw vegetables and pickles, are a common addition to a pregnant woman's diet. It's not unusual for them to want to eat pickles in combination with other things that make for some very unique food combinations, such as cheesecake.

3) Anchovies
The oil in fish contains a lot of very healthy amino acids that are essential to the proper growth of the child, particularly in the early stages of pregnancy. Even women that can't stand anchovies normally might feel the need to try them out when they're carrying a baby.

4) Salt
Salt, within certain margins, is an essential part of just about anyone's diet. Still, a pregnant woman is going to have unique dietary needs, and cravings for salty snacks are nearly inevitable. Just be careful, as too much sodium can slowly start to raise your blood pressure over time.

5) Heavily Spiced Foods
A lot of spices are high in calcium and other important minerals. Even smelling strongly spiced entrees from a distance can trigger the craving. Thai food may be a good way to satisfy it. Just be weary of side effects like heartburn!

6) Laundry Starch
This is an unusual one, and is something that most women tend to give up not long after they give birth to their babies. While it may sound strange, it's not unusual for women to sip a mix of laundry starch and water right out of the box. It's perfectly safe, although you can gain a lot of weight from it.

7) Red Meat
While it's not the best thing for your heart in the long run, a craving for red meat can indicate a lack of iron in your diet. During pregnancy, your body becomes pretty effective at telling you which nutritional supplement you're lacking. Don't ignore the signs.

8) Cheese Spread
There's a definite connection between the heightened nutritional needs of a pregnant woman's body, and the cravings that they experience along the way. Many brands of cheese spread not only are dense in calories, but also contain a lot of important vitamins. This stuff goes well on sandwiches.

9) Pizza
Not just any pizza, but pizza with all sorts of weird fruits and vegetables on it. It's important to let the body have its way from time to time, but be mindful of the fact that overindulgence in high-calorie food can lead to a difficulty in getting back to your original weight after childbirth. However, if you are not yet pregnant and looking for tips on how to get pregnant, you need to be more careful about what you eat.

10) Pineapple
Most citrus fruits are good for you anytime, since they contain a lot of vitamin C. Pregnant women might be content to spoon these straight out of the can, juice and all. This is a craving that's on the healthier side, but be careful to take all things in moderation.

Simple Ways To Avoid Common Causes Of Back Pain

Back pain is one of the world's most common health problems. According to the World Health Organisation, it is also in the top 10 diseases and injuries accounting for disability-adjusted life years (number of years lost due to ill-health). It can affect people of any age, potentially affecting their work life and general well-being.

Fortunately, there are some simple techniques that you can use to avoid the common causes of back pain. This article will identify those techniques and explain how they can also reduce the level of back pain you are currently experiencing.

What are the common causes of back pain?
The human back is a complex system of muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments. These components must work together to support the body and enable movement. The spine also contains cartilage-like pads which are called discs. They provide cushioning between the components of the spine. Problems affecting any of the components of the back can lead to back problems. The most common causes of back problems include:

Physical overexertion
Incorrectly picking up very heavy items or repeatedly bending over can strain the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the back. Pain from overexertion can occur quickly or take many months to appear.

Back pain is often caused by an injury from an accident. The most common accidents that cause back injuries include car crashes, collisions on the sporting field, and falls. These injuries might include ruptured discs, broken bones, and torn ligaments or tendons.

Medical conditions
A variety of medical conditions can cause back pain, including osteoporosis, cancer of the spine, sleep disorders, kidney problems, arthritis, and sciatica. In some cases, these conditions cannot be cured, so the pain they cause can only be managed.

Ruptured or bulging discs
The discs between each vertebra in the spine can sometimes rupture or change shape. When this happens, more pressure is placed on the nerves in the back, potentially causing back problems.

Poor posture
Having poor posture can eventually contribute to pain in the back and may even cause long term damage.

How to avoid the common causes of back pain

Seek chiropractic help
Obtaining chiropractic treatment is one of the most effective ways to reduce back pain. A chiropractor is a medical professional who is trained to identify and treat musculoskeletal problems of the human body. They can identify the root causes of your pain and suggest treatments that address them.

Some of the ways that a chiropractor can help you avoid causes of pain include:
Ensuring your spine is correctly aligned Chiropractic treatment involves alignment of the spine and other joints in the body. Correcting the alignment of your joints will prevent premature wear and can reduce the likelihood of pain occurring.
Identifying any issues with your posture Chiropractors can diagnose and correct postural problems that cause back pain.
Diagnosing any serious underlying illnesses or injuries causing back pain Chiropractors can also identify other serious health problems that may potentially contribute to pain like ruptured discs and sciatica.

Sleep on your back
When you are sitting down, walking, running, and lifting objects all day, your spine can become compressed. Laying down on your back gives your spine a chance to recuperate, reducing the likelihood of back pain.

Exercise more
Exercise that strengthens the core muscles can be very useful for reducing or avoiding back pain. The core muscles are the muscles found in the abdominal region and lower back. If these muscles are well developed, they will take strain off of the ligaments and tendons in the back which can reduce pain levels. Having a strong core also reduces the risk of a back injury occurring.

Get a good pair of shoes
If you are on your feet for long periods, purchase a high quality pair of shoes that fit your feet well. This will ensure that your body has a stable and well-balanced base that supports your legs and back. It will help you avoid back problems associated with ligament, muscle or tendon strains.

Have regular massages
Massages can help to relax the muscles in your back and increase blood flow. This can help you remain flexible, preventing pain relating to sore muscles and ligaments.

Have medical problems diagnosed
If you have unexplained back pain, it is a good idea to see a doctor. They will be able to run tests to check your overall health and identify any health conditions that may be causing your pain. Your doctor may also help you identify health problems before they worsen and cause even more pain.

Practice good ergonomics and improve your posture
Good posture involves standing, sitting, and moving in a way that reduces the amount of strain on your body. When you exhibit good posture, your joints will be well aligned - reducing the risk of injury or wear-and-tear on the joints in the back. This reduces the risk of long term injuries occurring which cause back pain.

Self Esteem: Taking Back Your Life

If I asked you how often you feel a loss of control over your life and the course it's taken in different areas, what would you say? Are there people in your circle who have proclaimed themselves your adviser, conscience or crystal ball? May I ask what gives them that right? And furthermore, why are you giving them permission to create your reality? Or, does it have nothing to do with other people; you just lack the confidence to go after the life you really want?
This is your life... it's your turn. And the best news is, you can call the shots and take total control over your happiness and the outcome of your dreams and goals. Here's how...

1. Step Away From Yourself: Take a few minutes and sit still. Picture stepping outside yourself and looking at you from a total stranger's viewpoint. You know nothing about your fears, doubts, strengths, or skills. You are a blank canvas. Now give yourself a different name (this helps disassociate from you). Let's say it's "Denise". Denise is brand new. What would Denise like to see herself surrounded by? What career? What kind of house? Does she live by the mountains or the beach? Husband? Kids? What ring of friends would she like around her? What hobbies? Close your eyes and totally create your dream world as if this is the first day of your life on this planet and you can choose from a Cosmic catalogue everything you want to experience. Do you feel that surge of anticipation and joy? Pretty cool, huh? Now... here's the exciting part! That is exactly what you are capable of doing... right now. You create your reality!

2. Challenge Your Current Reality:We are all where we are right now based on what has come before. Yesterday does create today to some degree. The decisions and thoughts you made yesterday impact some actions, emotions and outcomes today. If you chose to take a cooking class and there is a homework assignment to create a Lemon Meringue Pie, I'm guessing choosing citrus and eggs are on your to-do list. If you chose a house in a certain price range, the mortgage payments you will be making for some time are the result of that decision. Can you change those results? Of course. You can quit the cooking class, or fly in the face of the assignment and show up with a Key Lime Pie. You can change the mortgage payments by moving to a different residence or take it on the road in an RV. The point is to take a close look at where you are today and how you got here. What decisions did you make that have shown up as your reality? What thoughts preceded those decisions? Every action, from lifting your hand to choosing a mate, had a thought that preceded it, even if for only a split second.
Here's an example: While in college you had two marriage proposals, one from Dave and one from Matt. You chose Matt. Matt went on to become a Sales Manager for a furniture store. His corporation moved you from Florida to Nebraska. You have 3 children, and own a cat, a dog and a pet goat named "Winnie." Vacations consist of trips to Yellowstone or Disneyland. You later hear that Dave (the one you passed on) is a surgeon in Boca Raton and has a villa in Italy, no children but a lovely wife and friends who go on yachting vacations twice a year throughout the Mediterranean. Two very different lives. See how your decision as to whom to marry impacted who and where you are today? Neither lifestyle is necessarily better... just very different. You can look back and see the course your life took based on your decisions. Actually, this should give you a feeling of power. No one is tossing you about like a boat without a rudder. You are where you are based on some very definite choices. The point is... you CHOSE! And you can choose now. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS, AND HENCE, CHANGE YOUR REALITY! Dr. Wayne Dyer is famous for saying, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." THAT is reality!

3. Write Your Own Movie Script:You now know you can start with a clean canvas and create your life. Yes, you can! Some of it will take a little time. You have some results from previous thoughts and actions that have to be considered, such as a job, bills, health, and relationships. But, by starting now with your new view of the world, those things will begin to change. And suddenly you are standing in your new reality with a huge smile on your face and knowing you created it by taking back control over your life. Write down your new movie where you are the star, director and producer. You choose who your co-stars are, in which location you will be shooting, and what budget you are setting for yourself. Isn't this fun? No one else calling the shots, telling you where to stand, what to say, how to act. It's all yours. Pick a soundtrack that makes your heart soar.

4. Lose the Anchors:Do you know what an anchor is? It's a dead weight that keeps the boat from moving. If there are people in your life who have decided their role is to keep you from your dreams by shooting them down or second-guessing your decisions... lose them. They are anchors keeping you from moving forward. If it's family members hanging onto your ankles like a ball and chain, "losing them" simply means to smile with confidence and say, "Thank you for your opinion. I will consider it and see if it fits with mine. If not, please feel free to use it in your own life." Then call your own shots. There is no reason to fear these people or their reactions. No one made them a Deity with omnipotent power and foresight. They are a flawed human like the rest of us... they have strengths and weaknesses. Most people who feel the need to impose their opinion on someone else suffer from a low self-esteem. People with a high level of self-esteem always encourage others to go for it! Remember that! Stop giving someone else power over you.
This is your life. It's your show. You decide how it unfolds. You do not have to stay in an unhappy situation because of past decisions. You can change it, and you can begin right now.

Kidney Failure Symptoms: Things To Watch Out For

When people think of kidney failure, they usually think of them in terms of bladder and kidney symptoms. By consuming enough water and avoiding foods that can irritate the kidneys, many people think they will be able to avoid these. However, often this is not always the case. This is because the kidneys have many functions and therefore when things go wrong, kidney failure symptoms are much more widespread and harder to detect. In fact sometimes the symptoms may not seem directly related to the kidneys at first glance. But here, by understanding some of the major roles of the kidneys we will see how these kidney failure symptoms occur.

Probably the most commonly understood function of the kidneys is removing toxins from the body, which is why we know that healthy foods and water can assist these to do the job. While ample intake of water and beneficial diet are essential, many people may still need a little extra help. Often this is because kidney damage is hard to detect. Symptoms begin to occur usually when kidney damage is quite advanced, which means in many cases a lot of damage has been done before a problem has been detected and intervention begins. Kidney failure symptoms are usually results of long-term damage and they can be widespread throughout the body.

One of the kidney failure signs that physicians should be able to pick up is a low urine creatinine level. When this happens, creatinine levels should be monitored once symptoms are reported. Creatinine levels in the body should be fairly constant. When levels are too low in the urine, it indicates that the kidneys are doing an inadequate job of filtering it out of the blood. As a result, blood creatinine levels will end up too high and after a certain level the patient may require dialysis to filter the blood.

The body always tries to maintain a balance of solutes in the bloodstream and the kidneys have several jobs to do in regard to maintaining balance in the blood. These are also responsible for maintaining fluid levels within the body and as this function decreases, swelling in the body or fluid retention is a common kidney failure symptom. This usually occurs in the legs and feet. Fluid buildup can also occur in the lungs causing major problems with the cardiovascular system.
Additionally, kidneys are responsible for maintaining electrolyte levels such as potassium and sodium. If symptoms are ignored, rising electrolyte levels in the blood can cause dangerous heart arrhythmias and cardiovascular problems.

Weakness is another very common kidney failure symptom that occurs when the red blood cell count drops. Anemia is a common problem for patients because the kidneys are required to form the hormone EPO, which helps form red blood cells. Deficient EPO results in the kidney failure symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath and pallor.
The kidneys are also responsible for preventing acidity in the blood. As acid wastes increase in the body, shortness of breath or other relevant symptoms can occur. Shortness of breath occurs when the lungs try to compensate for its acidosis by getting rid of carbon dioxide. Kidney stones, gout, poor immunity, urinary changes and fatigue are common kidney failure symptoms that occur due to high levels of acidity in the blood.

If kidney failure symptoms are ignored and the kidneys are not treated, eventually death occurs. This is either due to organ failure from the increased load of toxins in the body, congestive heart failure due to fluid retention in the lungs, ventricular fibrillation caused by disrupted electrolyte levels, or other related causes. All manifestations of kidney failure symptoms should be treated as a medical emergency, since even relatively minor symptoms like lethargy or fatigue can indicate the presence of a deadly chain reaction.
This all sounds very scary, but you should be relieved to know that natural therapies such as herbs and nutrients, along with appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes can go a long way in protecting the health of your kidneys. Natural therapies have shown to slow the progression of kidney damage, and even help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Indeed, it is never too late to introduce natural therapies and experience their benefits.

Prevention of Kidney Failure and Diseases

There are cases of kidney damage being diagnosed with a higher frequency. There are many causes of kidney failure, which could be due to an unhealthy habit or lifestyle. In this post, I shall dwell on some of these habits and the effects it could have on the kidney.
You will also find out how you can keep the organ healthy, through a conscious effort to adhere to avoid behavioral patterns that negatively affects the kidney's functionality.
The kidneys are like a two bean-shaped organ that extract waste and toxins from the blood stream and balance the fluids within the body. It also forms urine and performs other essential functions like regulation of blood pressure through the salt and water balance, and aid in red blood cell production in the body.
The kidneys are located on each side of the spine in the back muscles below the rib cage.
There are common symptoms that indicate a problem of the kidney organ like a change in color and quantity of your urine, dizziness, fatigue, breathing challenges, and sudden pain in the body.

The following are common habits that could damage the kidney.
1. Insufficient intake of water:The functions of water in the body are numerous, and it has no substitute. Taking carbonated or energy drinks cannot replace the need for water as dehydration usually results in kidney failure. The kidney flushes out metabolic waste from the body and regulates erythrocyte production. However, if the blood is concentrated because of lack of adequate water, it inhibits the ability of the kidney to eliminate toxins in the body. Therefore, the kidneys need to be properly hydrated to perform its functions correctly. You need to take at least 12 glasses of water on a daily basis to ensure your body is hydrated.

2. High Salt consumption:Although intake of salt is essential to the body, too much consumption of salt can cause damage to your kidney. It's important to curtail the quantity of salt you add while cooking as it could pose a serious threat to your health and kidney. The kidney metabolizes 95% of the sodium taken through food consumed, and the kidney works harder to extract the excess salt if it's high. This could reduce the functioning of the kidney as it becomes strained due to the work pressure exerted on it and the result is retention of water in the body. A consequence of water retention is an increase in the blood pressure and the risk of kidney disease or failure. You should be mindful of how much salt you consume and your choice of diet.

3. Filled up bladder:It's important to empty the bladder no matter the number of times you have to use the restroom for that purpose. The urge to urinate is a signal from the body to get rid of toxic waste, and when you delay this pressure urge, it could result in kidney failure. Urine contains bacteria and when it stays in the bladder more than necessary these bacteria could multiply which could cause a kidney infection or a urinary tract infection. It's imperative to empty your bladder whenever the urge arises.

4. Excessive drinking of Alcohol:Excessive drinking can lead to serious damage to the kidneys. If you must drink then, let it be done in moderation. My doctor friend recommends complete abstinence from drinking alcohol. However, you may drink red wine occasionally due to the health benefit it yields for the heart. A high quantity of alcoholic beverages causes uric acid to be stored up in the renal tubules which lead to tubular obstruction.

5. Cigarette smoking:Lots of research by medical practitioners all contend that smoking is bad for all organs of the body, including the kidneys. Several studies have shown the relationship between tobacco use and kidney disease among affected patients who indulge in smoking. Different health challenges are associated with smoking of cigarettes and kidney disease is not an exception. Smoking reduces the blood flow in the body as it constricts the blood vessels in the kidneys. It also accelerates the blood pressure and heart rate. The best you could do for yourself is to put a stop to smoking if that's a dangerous lifestyle you are engaged in, to avoid the attendant health challenges it poses.

6. High Protein diet:Enormous intake of food containing protein like red meat, and other forms of the animal protein can increase the risk of developing kidney disease. Beef, Pork or Lamb consumption should be reduced to the barest minimum or entirely avoided. Furthermore, people with kidney disease should avoid eating any type of red meat as it exacerbates the kidney disease and condition.

7. Use of Analgesics:If you are fond of taking pain relievers, especially without medical prescription then it's time to stop. Consuming any form of analgesics to reduce pain, inflammation or feverish condition should be done with the prescription of a physician. Research shows that long-term use of analgesics without prescription may reduce the flow of blood to the kidneys and result to kidney failure.

8. Ignoring infections:You could have damage to your kidneys due to common infections like cold, cough, the flu, tonsillitis amongst others. These common diseases have bacteria or viruses that can damage your kidneys if not treated in time. It goes without saying that you should treat common infections appropriately and immediately to avoid any further breakdown of your health.

9. Lack of sleep:The benefits of sleep to health should not be overlooked. You need an average of 7 hours sleep every day to stay fit and healthy. Organ tissues go through a renewal process while you sleep, so the lack of sleep disrupts this normal process which could result in damage to the kidney and other vital organs. Sleeplessness may also cause high blood pressure so it's better to adopt a healthy sleeping lifestyle that would enhance your health.

10. Lack of exercise:Exercise is an excellent means of staying healthy, and it improves your level of fitness and wellbeing. Studies reveal that people who exercise regularly have lower risks of developing kidney diseases in comparison to others who have engaged in little of no form of exercise.

Kidney Removal Surgery Causes And Types

Kidney removal surgery, which is called a nephrectomy by doctors, is necessary for a number of different reasons. The most common is kidney failure, which simply means a kidney has become diseased and damaged so badly that it no longer functions. Kidney failure is also called renal failure, renal insufficiency or kidney insufficiency.

A severe kidney infection will sometimes impair or destroy kidney function to a degree that kidney removal surgery is necessary. There two types of kidney infections: acute and chronic. Acute infections happen fast, present severe symptoms, and then go away. An acute kidney infection is frequently the result of germs that get into the bladder and then migrate upward through the ureters into the kidneys.
A chronic kidney infection, on the other hand, develops over many years and grows steadily worse. Unfortunately, there are no early warning signs and someone who has a chronic kidney infection usually doesn't know it until there has been serious damage and function has been greatly impaired. If this type of infection isn't treated, it can lead to total kidney failure, requiring a transplant or a lifetime of dialysis.

The other typical seasons for removing a kidney include 
kidney cancer
a serious injury or trauma to the kidneys
birth defects

There may also be instances when an individual donates a kidney to someone who needs a kidney transplant.
Kidney removal surgery is a major procedure and is done under general anesthesia. Currently there are three basic types of kidney removal surgery:
A simple nephrectomyis the removal of the kidney itself. 
A partial nephrectomyinvolves removing only a section of diseased or damaged kidney but leaving the rest in place. Partial nephrectomies are often performed when the patient has a cancerous tumor.
A radical nephrectomyis the third type, and it is a more complicated operation. When you have a radical nephrectomy, an entire kidney is removed, along with the adrenal gland above the kidney and surrounding fat and lymph nodes adjacent to the kidney. Radical nephrectomies are often done when the patient has advanced kidney cancer.

For decades, kidney removal surgery was done using a large open incision. Recently, a procedure called laparoscopic surgery has made kidney removal much less invasive and has also greatly reduced recovery time. Laparoscopic surgery is done using a series of smaller incisions in which the surgeon uses a laparoscope, which is a long thin tube that contains a camera. It is inserted into the abdomen through one of the small incisions. This greatly reduces pain and discomfort after surgery.

Recovery from kidney removal surgery depends on the type of surgery performed. If the procedure is more complex and a large amount of tissue is removed, recovery will obviously take longer. After surgery, the patient usually gets intravenous fluids and pain medication. Some patients need a bladder catheter to help drain urine.
The amount of time a patient must be hospitalized also varies, but generally lasts 2 to 7 days. The length of the hospital stay depends on age, general state of health, and whether any complications occurred during the operation. Bleeding, post-operative infections, or reactions to anesthesia are possible.
Someone who has had kidney removal surgery can often return to normal activity soon after their procedure, but should usually avoid strenuous physical activity for about six weeks.

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