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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Find Out If You’re Drinking The Right Amount Of Water Everyday!

Some people do not realize the value of water, and how drinking it can have a huge effect on their overall health. Even if it is crucial to drink lots of water, many of these individuals may not be drinking the right amount of water every day.

According to the Institute of Medicine, men are advised to consume 3 liters of water a day, while women are supposed to consume 2.2 liters daily.

About 70% of the body is made up of water,while 71% of the earth's surface is covered with water. Since water is found everywhere, people take it for granted, and drinking a sufficient amount is not included in their list of priorities.
Among the different parts of the body, the kidneys depend a lot on sufficient water intake. Though these organs may not get much attention just like the heart or lungs, they have many important functions that help maintain the health of the body.
Reasons to Drink Water

The cells and organs of our body need water so that they can function well. In addition, this vital fluid regulates blood pressure, lubricates the joints, helps in the passage of food through the intestines, and protects the spinal cord and sensitive tissues.

Some of the water needed by the body comes from foods that have a high content of water - such as soups, oranges and tomatoes - but most of it comes from drinking water and other beverages.

As people do their normal daily activities, their body loses water and it has to be replenished. It is obvious that water is lost when sweating and urinating. However, many do not know that it is also lost when breathing.
Whether drinking from a bottle or the tap, water is the body's best source of fluids. Milk and juices are good sources of water, while drinks with caffeine and alcohol content like coffee, soft drinks and beer are not very good - they have diuretic properties that cause the body to discharge water.

The Right Amount of Water to Drink
The right amount of water that should be consumed on a daily basis varies from one person to another, based on different factors - everyday activities and the amount of sweat they release. There is no universal rule as to the water consumption that needs to be achieved. Nevertheless, there is a general level of agreement as to the healthy amount.
The Institute of Medicine or IOM says that the sufficient amount of water that men should take is about 13 cups or 3 liters a day. They recommend 9 cups or about 2.2 liters for women.
It has always been said that people need to drink eight glasses (eight ounces per glass) a day, which is about 1.9 liters. This is very near the recommendation of IOM for women. It is somehow easy to remember the quantity 8 x 8 to set them on the right track, when it comes to water consumption.

What's more, water also helps in dissolving nutrients and minerals to make them more available to the body. It also flushes waste products out of the body's system. These two functions make water essential to the kidneys.

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