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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Fruits You Must Start Eating For Memory Improvement!

If you have problems remembering, then one of the first things you should do is to make sure that you're eating healthy; make sure that you're getting enough sleep and exercise, but also make sure that you're eating nutritious foods especially fruits that improve memory. Fruits are high sources of vitamins and nutrients that the entire body needs including the brain. To enhance your mind's optimal functioning and to improve your memory, start eating more fruits that are rich in antioxidants, tocopherol (natural vitamin E), and folate.

Antioxidants in fruits fight the harmful free radicals from the environment, strengthen the body's immunity against diseases (including memory loss), and prevent (brain) cell degradation and "oxidative stress" linked to cancers and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Among the fruits that are richest in antioxidants are acai berries, plums, tomatoes (has lycopene antioxidants), grapefruits, cherries, and berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and bilberry (has anthocyanin which prevents inflammation, swelling, and hardening of the arteries; also improves night vision). Vitamin C fruits also fortify the body and brain's defense system. Try to eat more oranges, cantaloupes, cranberries, and pineapple.

Vitamin B and folate on the other hand stimulates the development of the central nervous system especially the brain. To get more folate from fruits, you can have more apples, melons, and citrus fruits for your daily consumption. Vitamin E as well is said to play a part in improving the mind's cognitive skills as well as improving memory. To incorporate natural vitamin E or tocopherol in your diet, include vitamin E rich avocadoes and papayas in your diet. You can also include watermelon in your list of fruits that enhance memory. Watermelon is believed to aid the efficient flow of blood (and oxygen) to the brain, supplies energy, and keeps the body and brain's temperature at a healthy level.

Overall, these fruits have phytochemicals, amino acids, and polyphenols that have the power to reverse some of the negative effects of ageing to the brain's memory.

Fruits also act as natural diuretics, and contain soluble fibers that play role of flushing out all the toxins (and bad cholesterols) that promote mind related diseases. In addition, fruits are also considered as "healthy sweets." Fruits simply provide enough natural sugars to our brain and body, yet at the same time preventing diabetes, which is linked to loss of memory.

In general, these fruits strengthen our entire body's defenses against illnesses, supply all the needed nutrients and oxygen to the brain to boost the brain's thinking ability, and lastly, reverse cell damage, and prevent cell degradation and eventual memory loss. Aside from eating the said fruits that improve memory, you can also drink dark purple Concord grape juice which is high in polyphenol flavonoids that are good for the brain.

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