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The Most Essential Vitamins For Every Woman!

There are many biological differences between men and women. So the vitamins they need will be also changing according to that. A special care should be there to choose the essential vitamins that a women needs for her health care. This fact gives rise a whole lot of market for the best women vitamins in the market.

Women need some best vitamins in all stages of their life because they are under going many distinct biological changes than men. Menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause etc are some of the changes in body that occur for women. These changes can make some problems also for them if there is no proper care. The basic care women need at these physical changes is some appropriate vitamins. For this they should have nutritious diet. This will make them healthy and prepared for the changes that will happen. Each stage need different vitamin intake.

Menstruation is the first important biological change that will happen in a women's life. But this stage need some care to make the body healthy and prepared for coming changes. Nutritional food is very basic to this stage in order to absorb basic vitamins.
During the time of pregnancy women will find the problem of stomach upset, the only way to get rid of it is the in take of vitamin B6. It will help you with nausea. It can help you at the time of morning sickness. To prevent you and your baby from preeclampsia you have to take cod liver oil. It will contain the essential vitamins like Vitamin A, D, K, and Vitamin B2. In order to prevent neutral tube deficits women can have Folic Acid.

Next comes the time of breastfeeding after the pregnancy. During this time the newborn baby will solely survive and be healthy through the mother's milk. This milk will be very rich with nutritious elements. But usually there will be a deficiency of vitamin D in it. This can be avoided with the in take of cod liver oil by the mother at the time of pregnancy. This vitamin D and k is very essential for the baby's proper brain development and born building. This care and vitamins are equally important for the health of the newborn baby and the mother.
At the age of 50 around the women will pass to the stage of menopause. At this stage your menstruation process will slowly comes to an end. It will the older age. So, more care is needed for the health care. Take some nutrients such as Vitamin E. it will save you from many ageing problems. DNA damage, cells decay, memory loss, heart diseases etc. will be most prone at this stage. Vitamin E can also improve the immunity.
The health of women is very important for the society. The different changes that occur in women's body should be supported with the sufficient vitamin intake. Choose the best vitamins for each stage and be healthy always.

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