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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice


The biggest cause for obesity is fast food. Food manufacturers do not care about the ingredients they put in their food. Their goals are to cook tasty food and to maximize revenue. Their focus is on your money, nothing else. When you buy fast food, do you ever check the label for fat, calories, and sodium content? If you learn the truth, you will amaze yourself at the statistics.

The second biggest reason for obesity is the eating habits of the parents. Obese parents continue to raise their kids on the same patterns of eating they have adopted for themselves. They enjoy large portions of high-calorie foods, deserts, and pre-packaged foods. These ready-made foods contain very little fibre and essential nutrients. The foods being stored in their stomachs may also create impotency in men and women. In addition, in later life, these foods cause the liver to weaken and, as a result, people suffer from diabetes, constipation, acidity, intestinal problems, and high blood pressure. They miss nutrients, fibre, and mother's love, which she adds while cooking the food. I strongly believe that when eating light food five times a day with a well-balanced low-fat diet-plan and proper portions, as well as participating in regular vigorous exercise with weights six days a week for 15 minutes daily, you will lose weight and enjoy a healthy and vibrant body. Home cooked meals and exercise are important for the body.

I have seen mothers, who over feed their children. When the children grow up with extra weight, the same mothers worry and lie, saying their children do not eat anything and still are gaining weight. I would like to advise all mothers: "You are the first teacher, discipline your babies with proper portion of food, do not baby sit them 24/7; teach them simple habits, and let them grow as normal kids." Forcing food on your children due to your overwhelming love may damage your child's future. Children know nothing, and tend to eat more than the capacity of their hunger. Therefore, it is your duty to regulate your child's life, and not to let them munch on food the entire day.

Depressed people are mostly overweight. They stay home, watch TV, eat frequently, and have no interest in anything. They do not cook, and live a lazy life. They over-eat due to their depression. They love ready-made food and eat more than they require.

How a person wants to live depends upon the individual. Everything is within you, divinely installed. You have to put in the effort to help yourself and fix yourself. With the help of yoga and meditation, you can awaken your inner potential and accomplish wonders. Here are the Top 7 natural remedies for fighting obesity:

· To lose weight, drink 40 oz. of water early in the morning, and eat no food for one hour. If constipated, drink warm water with a half teaspoon of salt. Drinking warm water helps to set your metabolism, clean your intestinal track, and eliminate constipation. We call the procedure Usha Paan (Aqua Therapy), and it is a Yoga based natural cure.

· Fasting to lose weight once a week is highly recommended. You may drink liquids while fasting.

· To lose weight, drink vegetable juice. Eat green leaves and fruits. Eat berries, pears, peaches, apricots, and green apples. Select foods rich in fiber for your meals. Consume plant-based foods, raw vegetables, and sprouts for strong bones; this also helps to lose weight and remove diseases.

· Lose weight by removing sugars, white enriched flour, and fat from your kitchen. Avoid eating fried food, sweets, and desserts; these make you lazy, sloppy, and dull, and accumulate fats in the body

· Lose weight by drinking a glass of water before eating or drinking anything; this fills up the stomach, and we end up eating fewer calories, which helps to lose weight.

· Lose weight by taking a tablespoon of rice vinegar diluted with two tablespoons of water. Take these 15 minutes before each of your daily meals. This helps eliminate the fat in the food we consume.

· Consume half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder twice a day with water, oatmeal, or soup; this helps reduce fat if consumed daily.

Some people eat very little or stay hungry in order to lose weight, but this is the wrong approach. These eating patterns deplete your energy and slow your metabolism, and your body gains more fat. When you plan a diet, make intelligent choice to lose 1 or 2 pounds per month, and do not chase modern 'crash diets', which usually create more problems later.

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