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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice


Are there different weight loss obstacles for moms?  All of the issues that cause women to have trouble losing weight are even more apparent when a woman becomes a mother. Reduced sleep, lack of exercise, irregular eating, and stress can all pile on the pounds and Moms usually have an abundance of these issues to contend with. But, you can gain control of your life, even as a Mom, and find a way to put yourself and your health first. Yes, your health. Being overweight is not just an issue of physical appearance. The true issue is health.

If you're overweight, you're more likely to suffer from a variety of health problems from heart issues to diabetes. Some women, even though they've already become moms, even experience subsequent infertility problems that are weight-related due to polycystic ovarian disease. If you want to be healthy not only for your kids, but for your own sake, then you need to get life in order.

Create a Schedule -- Even small kids can be put on a schedule. If you're nursing it is harder to create a schedule but you can work toward it. Fortunately, if you're nursing and eating right, you'll probably lose weight automatically due to the extra calories burned through breastfeeding.

Plan Healthy Meals -- Aside from the fact that you're struggling with your weight, you want to instill good nutritional habits in your children. Plan your meals to include healthy, nutritious foods and portion. Instead of fatty nutritionally-void meals and desserts plan for vitamin-packed foods and   eat whole fruit for dessert. If you plan in advance, you'll be less likely to break down and order pizza.

Get Outdoors -- Even a baby can be bundled up in a stroller and taken outside even on very cold days. It's really only a recent idea that babies and children stay indoors all the time if it's cold or hot. Everyone needs to get outside every single day unless it's above 100 degrees F and under  20 degrees F. Take into consideration windchill factors and heat index as well. But, most of the time children and adults need to get outside at least 20 to 30 minutes a day.

Regular Exercise -- Walking is the easiest exercise to do, and you can do it outside, but you can also do it in the house in front of the TV if you want to. Just walk in place, or use a treadmill, but try to walk at least 20 to 30 minutes every single day at a brisk pace that is comfortable for you. You should still be able to talk, but perhaps not sing.

Ask your Doctor -- If you're doing everything you should do, but you're still holding onto extra weight, especially around the middle, ask your doctor for help. There are medical conditions that lend themselves to holding onto weight.

These are just a few ways to conquer weight loss obstacles for moms.  My mom is an inspiration to me on this weight loss journey now that I am an adult but these tips are to help those who still have children in their homes. What do you think? Will these ideas work?

I hope you're having a POWERFUL day,

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