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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice


It is hard enough leaving your baby at day-care while you go to work, but leaving your baby to go to the gym is more than many women can stand. They love their baby and want to spend as much time as possible with their precious bundle of joy. However, they still want to lose that baby weight. So what can they do?

Carrying Your Baby

We have many options today to carry the baby. We can use strollers, peanuts, and even baby backpacks. However, if you are looking to lose weight with minimal effort, then carrying your baby in your arms is a quick way to strengthen your arms while doing daily activities.

Whether you are going to the convenience store for a some sugar or going to the drug store to pick up a prescription, leave the car seat and stroller in the car. Pick up your baby and carry them around with you. You will strengthen your arms, back and even tummy.

Mall Walking with the Baby

The beauty of mall walking is it is indoors and readily available. Whether you push a stroller or carry your baby, walking is always the best exercise. As an added bonus, you can window shop for things you want when that pregnancy weight finally comes off. What better motivation than seeing the cute skinny jeans that are in style.

Walking is an aerobic activity meaning that it burns calories. It won't tone you up or build strength, but it will burn off all that unwanted baby fat. You can increase the intensity by carrying your baby, adding weight to your wrists, or speeding up your walking pace.

Strength Building Baby Style

If you look it up on the Internet, you can find tons of ways to incorporate your baby into your strength training. However, I will reveal to you some of my favourite ways to tone up with my baby boy.

Push Ups (Arms, Stomach)- I lay the baby on his back. I then do push-ups over top of him. Each time I come down, I kiss his forehead. When I go back up, I stick out my tongue and he giggles.

Squats (Legs, Thighs, Butt) - All you need to do is hold your baby as you do squats in a normal fashion. Your baby will love the motion and you will get a good workout with weights. Additionally, as your baby grows you are slowly increasing your weight!

As you can see, you can lose weight without sacrificing time with your baby. All you need to do is pick up your baby and go.

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