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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

3 Natural Ways to Wash Your Mouth

Lately, there have been studies recently that mouthwashes are very hazardous to your health. Some mouthwashes on the market today have reported that if you frequently use these washes, that you have a high chance of getting mouth cancer and other mouth diseases. This is because of the harmful chemicals that are contained in the mouth washes. But, if you take natural mouth washes, you can make your mouth feel clean and healthy. Here is how!

1. Mix bicarbonate soda and water
Bicarbonate soda is healthy for you to ingest and swallow. Bicarbonate soda is sometimes used in bakery so that bread can rise in the oven. So it is very safe and easy to use. All you need to do is mix bicarbonate soda and water together and then mix in your mouth. Watch out that you don't put too much bicarbonate soda as it can form a lot of bubbles and hence can be very messy!

2. Sea water
If you get fresh sea water from the beach, you can clean and wash your mouth naturally! Sea water is a natural dis-infective and can kill bacteria and germs in your mouth. It can also good to keep your teeth healthy when using sea water.

3. Green tea
In China, people use tea to wash their faces and their mouths in the morning. Tea is an effective way to clean your mouth and tongue. When using green tea as a mouth wash, make sure the green tea is not boiling hot as it can burn your mouth. Only luke warm water is needed to effectively clean your mouth!

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