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Remedies for an Ear Infection

Ear pain is common in children and many parents are seeking remedies for an ear infection. Ear pain, crying, irritability, fever, dizziness, pulling on the ear, low appetite, and reduced activity can all be symptoms of an ear infection. It's important to know what causes ear pain before determining which remedies to use.

What Causes an Ear Infection?
Otitis media is commonly referred to as ear infection, even though in many cases there is no actual infection present. Otitis media actually means middle ear inflammation and this is a complex issue that can be caused by a number of things.
You can check your child's eardrums for redness with a small, home earscope or otoscope. A flushed, red ear may indicate an infection, but a red ear could also be due to allergies, teething, or excessive crying.

Allergies Leading to an Ear Infection
Chronic ear pain may be due to food or airborne allergies that can cause pressure changes within the middle ear and can obstruct the Eustachian tube. The most common allergens that can cause ear pain are wheat, milk and dairy products, eggs, chocolate, citrus, corn, soy, nuts, shellfish, sugar, and yeast.
If your child has chronic ear infections, you may want to try an elimination diet. Eliminate the allergen from your child's diet for a month, then add it back in and see what happens. Dairy is the number one contributor to childhood ear problems so you may want to begin with milk and dairy products.

Lowered Immunity to Infection
If your child's immune function is lowered, bacteria or viruses from the nose or throat can get into the middle ear and cause an ear infection. When these germs multiply, pus builds up behind the eardrum and increases the pressure, which leads to pain and swelling in the ear. Sometimes a common cold with a runny or stuffy nose or a cough precedes the ear infection.
A healthy, whole foods diet, low in sugar, is important in boosting immunity to prevent infection. The wrong types of fats (hydrogenated oils found in deep fried foods, margarine and baked goods) can cause inflammation and predispose a child to recurrent ear infections. Essential fatty acids (the good fats) help to increase immune function and reduce inflammation. Essential fatty acids are found in cod liver oil, flax oil, evening primrose oil, borage seed oil and fish oil. Probiotics, the good intestinal bacteria, can increase immunity, and are necessary when a child has been on antibiotics. A healthy diet with good fats, vitamin C, vitamin A, probiotics, and zinc are all remedies for an ear infection.
Long-term breastfeeding is the best thing to ensure that your child has a healthy immune system. Breast milk contains a lot of immune-building complexes your child needs. Children who are breastfed are overall healthier than those who are not. The sucking action required to breastfeed also helps the Eustachian tubes open and close, which can make a difference in the frequency of ear infections. When a child lies down on his or her back while bottle-feeding, this can push fluids into the Eustachian tube and cause ear problems.

Structural Blockage in the Ear
Sometimes a blockage in the ear is due to problems of the structural components around the ear and Eustachian tube, including the bones of the jaw, skull and neck. Many things can change the proper movement of the bones in the head, including falls, recurrent infections, and the trauma of birth, especially if forceps were used for delivery. Craniosacral work is the gentle movement of the bones of a child's head and sacrum, and these treatments can be remedies for an ear infection. Practitioners who do this work are usually chiropractors who take a special course in cranial work, or osteopathic physicians.

Herbal Remedies for an Ear Infection
Certain herbs are remedies for an ear infection. Garlic oil is very effective for ear infection. You can make garlic oil by infusing garlic with olive oil. You can also buy a combination oil with garlic and mullein flowers. Warm the oil and put it into the ear with a dropper. It's important that the oil is close to body temperature and not hold or cold. You can also rub the oil around the ear and along the side of the neck. This helps to drain the fluid that gets built up in the ear. Garlic oil or garlic/mullein oil is very soothing and it contains compounds that have an anti-inflammatory action. It fights infection and reduces inflammation.
Astragalus is a tonic herb that boosts immune function and strengthens resistance to disease. Echinacea can prevent a cold from causing an ear infection. There are also various herbal formulas designed for children's ear infections available in health food stores. Stronger formulas available from either western or Chinese herbalists.
These are some alternative remedies for an ear infection. If you have questions about which treatment is most appropriate for your child, contact your holistic physician.


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