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Essential Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

If you're over 40 and considering starting a weight loss program, congratulations! You're on your way to becoming healthier as well as looking and feeling better. You may also reverse the aging process by establishing long-term positive lifestyle changes. Here are a few things to know and a few tips that will help you in your progress toward a healthier you:

1. Your Metabolism
You probably noticed it before turning 40 that you can't eat like you used to in your 20's and 30's. It seems like everything we eat turns directly to fat and it's difficult to get those extra pounds off. In order to speed up your metabolism you have to make changes to the way you eat and your activity level to get your metabolism fired up to start burning calories efficiently.

2. Your Habits
Let's face it, by 40 we have some firmly ingrained habits especially when it comes to food or exercise. If you're more than 20 pounds overweight, most likely you don't eat very healthy or get enough exercise. Our 40 years of habit in these areas have brought us where we are and it's going to take work to convert those habits to good ones.

3. Your Attitude
In order to lose weight, you have to change your attitude about your weight loss goals and how you'll achieve them. Starting today you'll need to focus on your goal, stop making excuses for why you can't get there, and take action every single today. Have you told yourself, "I don't have time...", "I don't know how...", "I'll never be successful..." Don't make excuses anymore for not succeeding. Envision what you want everyday and work toward it.
Being over 40 is a wonderful thing - the ups and downs of the 20's and 30's are over and you're more comfortable with who you area. Now you can take steps to take care of yourself, focus on your weight loss goals, and work on a healthier new you.

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