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Eye Problems

Eye problems range from mild to severe in symptoms and conditions. With various types of problems that range from dry eyes to bloodshot eyes, and from eye discharge and puffy eyes, we have to remember that our vision is our most important sense, our windows to the world, and therefore if problems occur it's best to seek the advice of an eye care professional immediately.
Ophthalmologists and/or optometrists are your best option. Unlike opticians, they can do it all. They perform exams, diagnose, treat, and prescribe medicines, glasses and contact lenses. Where as, opticians can only perform exams and write prescriptions for glasses or contact lenses.
Bloodshot eyes, or "red eyes" are the most common condition. The red eyes could be due to an illness, injury, eye infection, tiredness, or other condition such as allergies. Bloodshot eyes are caused by the enlarged and dilated blood vessels in the surface of the eye (conjunctiva) becoming irritated. This can be a medical emergency or a medical non-emergency. Don't be surprised if the doctor doesn't take immediate action if you arrive in their office with red eyes, especially if you suffer from allergies or lack of sleep.
Other times, red eyes can be of concern and a red flag that there is a more serious problem lurking such as Blepharitis, Conjunctivitis, Corneal Ulcers or Acute Glaucoma. If you're experiencing other symptoms such as discharge or pain associated with the redness, you might want to schedule an appointment with your eye care professional or primary care doctor to see if one of these conditions is present. To relieve the problem, try your best not to touch or rub your eyes. If it's allergy related, try antihistamines and/or eye drops or artificial tears. If the environment is bothering your eyes, change your location. Stay away from pets and pollens if possible. You could also try using an ice pack over your eyes. The coolness of the pack relieves different symptoms like swelling and pain, and could alleviate the redness. You could also consider rinsing your eyes with warm and cool water.
Eye Pain on the other hand, is a much more serious problem. Some describe it as stabbing, throbbing, aching, burning or the feeling that "something is in your eye". Many people seek medical treatment when they're experiencing pain in their eyes. The word pain is generally open for interpretation. Some people describe it as in their eyes, around their eyes or behind their eyes. The causes of eye pain can be one of two forms; ocular pain or orbital pain. Ocular pain comes from the outer structure of the eye and can be caused by either Conjunctivitis, Styes, Blepharitis, Corneal Abrasions or Ulcers and Chemical Burns.
Orbital pain is caused by a disease of the eye and can be described as a deep, dull ache behind or within the eye itself. Some of the diseases that can cause orbital pain are Glaucoma, Migraines, Trauma, Optic Neuritis, and Iritis. Whatever is causing your eye pain, you should seek medical attention for treatment. But if you think you know what the problem is and do not feel like you'd need a doctor, try different things at home such as flushing your eyes with lukewarm water or commercial eye solutions. Just like with other eye problems, avoid touching or rubbing your eyes until you seek treatment or the problem resolves.
Eye discharge is that icky, sticky, yellowish substance that comes out of your eye. Most people experience this in the morning when they wake up. Nine times out of ten it's harmless. The discharge is actually apart of your body's natural defense system. The one time out of ten, there is a more serious problem. So if the discharge persists and is constant, seek medical treatment. The first and the most common reason is waking up with discharge in the corners of your eyes. This discharge is a sign that some form of bacteria, either from make-up or extra oily skin has tried to make its way into your eye while you were sleeping.
A bacteria invasion can lead to a more serious condition like Blepharitis, which is an inflammation at the base of your eyelashes that produces the thick, yellowish pus filled with bacteria-fighting white blood cells. Other, more serious causes of eye discharge can be associated with medical conditions such as Conjunctivitis and corneal ulcers. A corneal ulcer is an open sore in the outer layer of the cornea and is associated with infections and bacteria. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation or infection of the membrane that lines the eyelids.
Both of these conditions could lead to more severe problems, so again, if the problem is constant and consistent, seek medical attention. Things you can do at home to relieve the problem is using a warm washcloth, letting it sit over your eyes for a short period of time. The warmth loosens the crust and allows you to open your eyes. Contaminated cosmetics are the leading cause to eye infection, and if not thrown away you'll be reapplying the bacteria. Avoid sharing towels and washcloths if possible. This can spread bacteria quickly and either give yourself or others the problem.
Watery eyes are ironically a main cause of dry eyes. It is absolutely necessary for your eyes to replenish themselves repeatedly everyday. However, too many tears can actually begin to reverse the good and start working against itself. Also known as Epiphora, it's important to note that tearing is not an emergency. Yes it can be annoying, but it can also be treated. The cause of watery eyes can range from dry eyes to allergies, from environmental irritants to age or even clogged tear ducts. Eye conditions such as Blepharitis and Conjunctivitis can also be the cause of watery eyes. Before treating the watery eyes, you have to first know the reason. Each cause has a different treatment. Artificial tears or eye drops can re-wet your eyes, while over the counter antihistamines can alleviate allergy or environmental irritant symptoms. Many older people experience watery eyes.
This is due to aging and a lack of quality tear production, and usually there is another underlying problem. Older people should see their eye care professionals more often to help pinpoint problems they experience before it turns into something worse.
If vision changes, such as blurriness, eye spots, floaters, halos or even blindness occur, this could be a sign that there is a much more serious problem within your eyes. Vision changes should never be ignored, so if you are having any you should seek medical attention immediately. Never let vision changes persist or continue. The changes will only develop into serious, severe problems, diseases and conditions. Presbyopia, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Retinal Detachment, Floaters, Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy are all serious eye diseases that will cause changes in your vision. Other possible causes of vision changes can be simple fixes like fatigue, medications and overexposure to the outdoors.
Medications that can affect your vision include antihistamines, high blood pressure medication, anticholinergics, and medications for malaria, as well as many others. Talk with your eye care professional about any other medications you are taking, as this may be the cause of your vision changes. The biggest thing you can do in preventing and treating vision changes is to see your eye care professional on a regular basis. Doing other things such as wearing sunglasses while outdoors, eating foods rich in antioxidants (leafy greens), avoiding alcohol, drugs or smoking and watching cholesterol levels will reduce the chances of vision changes for many years. But remember, vision changes are bound to happen to all of us once we reach a certain age, so it's best we do our best to maintain good vision.
When it comes to Eye Problems it's important you understand that problems range from mild to severe. Certain conditions such as Bloodshot or Red Eyes can be easily treated. While other conditions such as Eye Pain are due to more serious conditions.

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