Poultry diseases are infections that affect domestic poultry. It may be bacterial, fungal or viral and may be transmitted to other animal species. The disease may also spread through water or soil contaminated by the disease. Chickens are most commonly affected with poultry diseases. Other birds that are also susceptible to these diseases include turkeys and ducks.
It causes serious problems in poultry markets as the infection spreads. Because the disease may also be able to infect humans, it poses a serious health concern. Eating the meat of diseased animals or birds can cause further infection. There is also an increase in the diseases transmitted from poultry to other birds. These diseases can affect the liver, heart, kidneys, intestines and skin.
These diseases can cause abnormalities in eggshells which can lead to abortive eggs. Other symptoms of poultry infection include diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, tremors, arthritis and nephrosis.
Some examples of poultry diseases are:
Viral diseases:Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, Gumboro disease, avian influenza, and avian Pox.
Bacterial diseases: Fowl cholera, colibacillosis, infectious coryza.
Fungal disease: Aspergillosis, gapeworm infection.
In the event of poultry being infected by any disease, there are certain necessary measures that must be taken.
• Diagnosis of the infection can be done by various methods like hem agglutination, inhibition tests, and noting a sudden increase in mortality, symptoms and lesions.
• Vaccines are available to eradicate infections. Those birds that are thought to be infected should be isolated to prevent the infection from spreading.
• Good slaughterhouse waste management can prevent the spread of these diseases to an extent.
Surveys, examinations and constant monitoring of poultry will make earlier detection of diseases easier. A veterinarian can suggest whether affected poultry can be slaughtered normally or whether special measures must be taken with them.
These diseases rise from year to year. This may be due to incorrect waste management. Efficient management of waste can be achieved by screening waste. Poultry should be monitored for health and growth-rate at steady intervals. Drooping birds is one of the primary symptoms of poultry disease. In addition, observing the feeding habits of poultry may indicate any health problems. Because poultry diseases can infect humans when not carefully managed, it poses a major threat to the food industry. So slaughterhouses, poultry farms and consumers must take care to practice healthy food habits in order to prevent poultry diseases.
When it comes to poultry disease, the first name that comes to mind is the Newcastle disease. This particular disease can infect humans and cause eye problems such as conjunctivitis, which is accompanied by flu-like symptoms. Certain other avian diseases like chlamydiosis, bird flu and salmonellosis can also be transmitted to humans. Usually these diseases are treated with antibiotics. Remember that, if infected, it is necessary to get proper medical attention before it becomes too serious. It is important to buy chicken, eggs or other poultry products after checking the health of the poultry or making sure the products come from a reputable source.
The poultry market constitutes a major income in every country. An increase in poultry diseases can seriously decrease the market value of poultry products. Waste management rules that are not strictly enforced result in waste management malpractice. Adequately enforced rules will result in better waste management which can help in decreasing incidents of poultry diseases.
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