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What is Nose Plastic Surgery?

Nose plastic surgery is often referred to as a nose job or the more scientific name, rhinoplasty. When you choose a nose job you want to change the appearance of your nose as you are not happy with it. However, there are some other reasons why people choose for this operation.
The main reason is purely a cosmetic reason. You want to change how you look and you want to pay for it. People often do a nose plastic surgery because they think their nose is to large, to small, or if it has a large plump on it.
Another reason why people undergo nose plastic surgery is when they had severe damage by trauma or by disease. The nose is a very fragile organ and it breaks easily compared to other bones. When the damage to the bone is severe, it will not always heal properly. It could even loose function when the damage is really bad. A nose job could do the trick and correct the situation so it will function properly again.
Next to trauma, a disease like cancer could also be a reason for Rhinoplasty. When cancer has damaged the nose bone or skin, the nose could be unstable and have a possibility to collapse. A surgeon will then do a surgery to correct this problem.
There are two main types of procedures concerning a nose plastic surgery. When the damage is not that severe, the surgeon will make an incision on the inside of your nose. He will leave the outside intact so you will not see any scarring. He works from the inside to correct the damage or to enhance beauty. However, when the damage is too severe, he will need more space to work with and correct the damage. He will make use of external plastic surgery, making an incision on the outside of your nose. He will make the incision at the crease, where your nose is touching your face to cover the scar as much as possible.
Whatever the reason is for nose plastic surgery, communication with your doctor is of great importance. You should speak about your desires and how you want it to look after the operation. It is your nose and you have to life with it.


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