Prevention is the first step in flu treatment. You must take certain precautions so that you may avoid the flu infection. There is a famous saying " prevention is better than cure" so we must take preventative actions like
• Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. After using the tissue throw it away and wash you hands with warm water and soap for at least 15 seconds.
• Use antibacterial cleaners to clean hands and surfaces. You can also use alcohol based hand sanitizer.
• Don't touch your eyes, nose, and mouth without cleaning your hands thoroughly and ensuring that your hands are germ free. Dirty hands can easily transmit the virus from your hands into your body.
• Get your yearly flu shot, especially those people who have poor immune system and other serious complicated diseases.
After taking all the precautions, if you still become ill then you must begin flu treatment. There is a long list of basic flu treatment, which you can take along with the physicians' advice.
• The most important step for treating yourself is getting a lot of rest. Flu takes all your energy and you become weak and tired. Resting can help you in boosting up your immune system.
• Drink lots of fluids. Your body becomes dehydrated when you fall ill, so consuming a lot of fluids is essential.
• Take Antibiotics. It will help you in treating as well as preventing yourself from the bacterial infections and other flu complications.
• Take a painkiller if you have severe headache or body ache. Painkillers help you get some relief from the aches.
• Antiviral flu treatment:
Tamiflu - Relenza - Flumadine - Symmetrel
With the help of these antiviral medications you can decrease the duration of the illness and their symptoms. Medicines are taken for improving symptoms of flu.
Some important flu treatments with the help of home remedies and natural cures are:
• Flu treatment using Long Pepper:
Take half teaspoon of the powder of long pepper. Mix it well with two teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of ginger juice. Take this mixture three times a day; it will help you alot if you take it in the initial stages of your illness. It also helps you to avoid severe complications.
• Influenza treatment using Garlic
Garlic has an antiseptic property which is used as a superb remedy for flu.
• Influenza treatment using Turmeric
Take a teaspoon of turmeric mixed well in a cup of warm water and religiously take it three times a day. It helps a lot in boosting your immune system, activating liver when it become sluggish and also prevents complications of flu.
• Influenza treatment using Onion
Onion is a useful solution for flu. Mix equal amounts of onion juice and honey, and take this solution three times a day.
• Influenza treatment using Ginger
Ginger is the best remedy for flu. Take a teaspoon of ginger juice and mix it with a cup of fenugreek decoction, if required add honey for taste. This solution helps a lot and increases sweating which reduces fever.
• Influenza treatment using Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a useful remedy as it tones up your body and the digestive system.
• Influenza treatment using Basil Leaves
Basil Leaves are also a useful remedy for flu. Boil one gram of leaves with ginger in about half a liter of water until half of the water is left. This solution provides immediate relief.
The flu symptoms can be cured with the help of vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, and some other foods. Natural flu remedies and other flu treatments can help you in reducing pain and suffering that comes along with the flu infection.
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