Inside your 1 week pregnant belly, your body isn’t only releasing last month’s egg. It begins to form a new uterine lining, which will hold next month’s egg. You know, the one that will hopefully get fertilized and grow and develop into a fetus?!
Cool fact: Human eggs are the largest cells in the body. An egg is the size of peach fuzz. Your body will release one (or in rare cases, two) eggs somewhere between day 10 and day 19 of your menstrual cycle—or about 14 days before your next period is expected. It can be fertilized for about 12 to 24 hours after that. Oh, and having sex before then is helpful too, since sperm can live in your body for up to six days.
The first signs of pregnancy won’t occur right away—in fact, many women miss their period at week 4 before they even feel “different.” But some common early signs of pregnancy in the first weeks after fertilization include breast soreness or tenderness, nausea, fatigue, and frequent urge to pee.
At one week pregnant (a.k.a. hoping to be pregnant soon!), you’re probably thinking about how you can prep your body to carry a baby. It’s a good idea to start pregnancy at a healthy weight and free of bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Reduce your caffeine intake to the equivalent of a cup of coffee or two (we’re talking 8 ounce cups—not the venti!) per day.
You’re not likely to have a 1 week pregnant ultrasound. But if you’ve been trying for a while to get pregnant and have seen a fertility specialist, you may have had an ultrasound to check for fibroids, to see how many follicles (which grow into eggs) are in your ovaries and/or to gauge the thickness of your uterine lining. If there are any problems, your doctor can prescribe a fertility treatment that can help you conceive.
Now, get ready to have some sex. You’ve got a baby to make!
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