Get on Airbnb and Trip Advisor, stat! Pregnancy week 11 is a great time to start planning a babymoon: a romantic getaway with your partner. We recommend you go on this trip in the second trimester, since that’s when you’ll feel most energized, and we doubt you’ll want to do a lot of traveling once you hit the third trimester. A babymoon isn’t just a cool way to celebrate your pregnancy; it’s a chance to bond with your partner before baby starts taking up a ton of your time and attention. Hey, maybe you’ll get to relax a little too! So, take your mind off your queasiness and start scouting some babymoon destinations now, at week 11 of your pregnancy. And if you need another diversion, imagine your growing baby, doing just fine in there, becoming more developed every day.
How Big Is a Baby at 11 Weeks?
Baby is now as big as a lime! Your 11-week fetus is about 1.6 inches long and weighs in at about .25 ounces. He or she's got about a 1:1 head-to-body ratio (which sounds weird, but that will change!).
11 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?
When you are 11 weeks, you are two months and about two weeks pregnant. In another couple of weeks, you’ll begin the second trimester.
Around 11 weeks, your body (and mind!) are still completely haywire. It’s probably tough to feel calm right now, since your hormones are still raging and you may still be feeling pretty nauseous. But know there’s light at the end of the tunnel—just a couple more weeks left in the first trimester, which is notoriously the worst for pregnancy symptoms! Here’s more about what you’re likely feeling at 11 weeks pregnant:
- Fatigue. You’re beat, but you can expect a surge in your energy in trimester two. Until then, give yourself permission to kick back and get some extra rest.
- Nausea. We get it. You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. We promise you should start to feel more like yourself soon.
- Gas (oof!). Sorry, but tummy troubles are par for the pregnancy course. Keep a close eye on your diet (if you’re able to hold anything down, that is) and try to avoid foods that make you gassy, such as beans, cabbage, fried foods, and desserts. Drink lots of liquids and fiber-rich foods too.
- Mood swings. Try some mind/body exercises, like yoga, to help you feel more Zen. And if possible, avoid stressful situations (like that crowded family party—stay home with Netflix!).
- Leg cramps. Tight, painful muscles can strike at night and interfere with your sleep. Drinking plenty of water can prevent leg cramps, and so can stretching your legs during the day. You also want to take a look at your diet to be sure you’re getting enough potassium and magnesium.
- Skin darkening. One morning you might wake and think, Whoa! What’s that dark line down the center my belly and why is it there? Well, this is a totally normal pregnancy symptom called the linea nigra. This dark line is caused by hormonal changes and isn’t permanent—though you might notice that it sticks around for a while after you give birth, especially if you breastfeed. (Because of the hormones involved with breastfeeding.)
- Vaginal discharge. Okay, so you’re probably going to want to invest in some pantiliners, because an increase in discharge can be expected through your pregnancy.
Women who are 11 weeks pregnant with twins often have elevated hormone levels, which may mean double the symptoms and higher weight gain. Both are normal, and you too should experience increased energy and decreased nausea in the coming weeks.
Your 11 weeks pregnant belly is starting to develop a full-on baby bump instead of just gas and bloating, but it can be hard to tell! Especially if it’s your first pregnancy, you might not be showing at 11 weeks. Women pregnant with their second babies and those who are 11 weeks pregnant with twins tend to start showing earlier than first-time moms-to-be.
While your belly may or may not be visibly changing, you may be surprised to see your boobs have noticeably changed. (Which may be welcome or unwelcome, depending on your preference!) We recommend you shop for some new, comfy, stretchy bras at this stage in the game. If you’re planning on breastfeeding, a nursing bra can be worn now and will come in handy after baby’s born. Plus, nursing bras are normally made to keep up with a changing bust size, and you probably have some more growing to do.
At 11 weeks, the chance of miscarriage might be on your mind. It’s tough not to worry—welcome to motherhood!—but know now that you’ve seen baby’s heartbeat, your miscarriage risk is down to just 3 percent. It will drop even lower over the next month or so.
You can't see it, but baby's moving fluidly and gracefully inside your 11 weeks pregnant belly. Your 11-week fetus has skin that’s see-through, but is on its way to becoming more opaque. At 11 weeks, baby's fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore. Tooth buds, hair follicles, and nail beds are forming too. Cool, huh?!
Right around now—between weeks 11 and 13—you may be getting a first trimester screen. This is a combo of a special ultrasound called a Nuchal Translucency Screening (NTS) and a blood test. During the 11 weeks pregnant ultrasound, the technician or doctor will measure the back of baby’s neck—an abnormal measurement could be a sign of a chromosomal abnormality. Then the blood test will screen for too-low or too-high hormone levels. Taking into account the results of both the NTS and the blood test, your doctor will tell you baby’s risk of having a chromosomal condition. Waiting for the results may be nerve-wracking, but knowing the results will likely give you peace of mind.
For women who are 11 weeks pregnant with twins, an ultrasound at this point would show the babies’ umbilical cords and either one placenta or two. If the babies share a placenta, the fetuses are probably identical twins. If they have two separate placentas, they may be identical or fraternal. Identical twins sharing the same placenta usually need more frequent check-ups to be sure they’re both getting enough nutrition. Yep, even in utero these siblings already have to learn to share!
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