Hey you! You’re probably getting a preview of baby’s personality by feeling him or her move. By those playful kicks and jabs, you may realize you’ve got a gentle dancer… or an active ninja! Week 29 of pregnancy is a good time to start finalizing details, like stocking the nursery with baby care essentials and checking out a few potential day cares. You’ll also want to start packing a bag with the things you know you’ll want with you at the hospital for baby’s birth. Leave it by the door, so you can add items you think of along the way—and so you can grab it at a moment’s notice.
How Big Is Baby at 29 Weeks?
At 29 weeks, baby is the size of an acorn squash. Your 29 weeks baby already measures about 15.2 inches long. And he or she weighs about 2.5 pounds, but still has a way to go—can you believe baby will triple in weight before birth?
29 Weeks Pregnant Is How Many Months?
29 weeks pregnant is six months and one week pregnant.
At 29 weeks pregnant, baby's not just moving a lot, but also plumping up. And as baby continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you’re going to feel the effects: hemorrhoids, heartburn, pelvic pain, and frequent urination are all common at this stage in the game.
Headaches and/or lightheadedness. You can get a headache or feel out of sorts if you’re sleep deprived. (We know it’s probably been tough to get a restful night of sleep!) But it could be from low blood sugar too, so make sure you're eating at regular intervals.
Itchy belly. Your skin is stretching thinner, making it more sensitive. Lotion up and drink lots of water! Let your doctor know about any intense itches or a rash.
Back, leg, or hip pain. Some soreness is totally par for the course. Your body’s carrying around extra weight all day at 29 weeks pregnant, and depending on baby’s position, he or she is putting pressure on anything and everything. (Even more so if you’re 29 weeks pregnant with twins!) Plus, your joints and ligaments are getting softer and more relaxed in preparation for delivery. All of that pressure can cause aches and pains all over.
Hemorrhoids. Baby's putting pressure on your digestive system too, and those pesky hormones may be relaxing your intestinal muscles, causing uncomfortable hemorrhoids. Combat them by eating plenty of fiber—think leafy veggies—and drinking lots of water.
Constipation. This isn't really helping the hemorrhoid situation, is it? The fiber and water will help here as well.
Trouble sleeping. Don’t overdo it with caffeine, drink lots of water, and get some light exercise. We’re big fans of prenatal yoga and brisk walks around the neighborhood (or the mall!).
Frequent urination. Gotta pee… again?! The more your uterus expands, the more you'll probably have to hit the restroom. This doesn’t mean cut down on drinking water. ICYMI, proper hydration is important for easing many 29 weeks pregnancy symptoms; it’s also important for preventing preterm labor. (You’re at higher risk for preterm labor if you have a pregnancy complication or if you’re 29 weeks pregnant with twins.)
29 weeks pregnant weight gain is typically about 19 to 25 pounds. For women who are 29 weeks pregnant with twins, weight gain is around 23 to 38 pounds. If you feel around your 29-week pregnant belly with your hand, you’ll notice the top of your uterus is about 3.5 to 4 inches above your belly button.
You’ll also notice lots of kicks inside your 29 weeks pregnant belly. Baby is starting to feel a bit crowded, and thanks to surging energy levels, is pretty active. Continue doing kick counts each day to make sure baby’s activity levels seem pretty consistent. Baby should move 10 times in two hours or less.
If you haven’t felt baby move in a little while and you’re starting to worry, drink some ice water, play some music, or lie down on your side for a nice massage (ask your partner!). One of those activities should wake baby up. Anytime you’re worried about fetal activity, call your doctor; she may want to have baby checked out.
Baby's getting a little cramped in there—that’s a given, seeing how fast he or she's growing. That means all those kicks and jabs are getting stronger. You might even feel a subtle, repetitive twitch. That’s your week 29 fetus hiccupping. Cool!
If you’re 29 weeks pregnant with twins, a membrane—basically, a thin wall—has formed between the babies. Your twosome is definitely getting super crowded inside your 29 weeks pregnant belly!
If you’re on a typical prenatal visit schedule, you probably don’t have to see the doctor at week 29 of pregnancy, but you’ll go back around week 30. If you were to look at a 29 weeks pregnant ultrasound, you may see that baby's growing white fat deposits under the skin, and his or her energy is surging because of it!
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