At 8 weeks pregnant, you’re wrapping up your second month of pregnancy. And while you may not be showing yet, being pregnant is probably finally starting to feel real to you; like most women, you may have your first prenatal appointment right around now. At this visit an ultrasound may be performed to determine how far along you are. You may even hear—and see—baby’s heartbeat. How cool is that?
How Big is Baby at 8 Weeks?
During week 8 of your pregnancy, baby is as big as a raspberry and weighs about .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches. Baby's growing about a millimeter each day.
8 Weeks Pregnant is How Many Months?
You are almost 2 months pregnant at 8 weeks.
Wondering what stinks? Probably ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Your hormones are doing some wild things at week eight, giving you a superhuman-like sense of smell and making your stomach do flip-flops. At eight weeks pregnant, there are a host of pregnancy symptoms you could experience, (don’t get us started on those wacky pregnancy dreams!) including:
- Sore breasts. Your breasts may feel bigger, heavier, and let’s face it, sore. That’s because milk-producing lobules in your breasts are starting to expand. It’s all for a good reason: they’re prepping for breastfeeding.
- Fatigue. #Thestruggleisreal to nap at 8 weeks pregnant. Why? As your hormones fluctuate, your body produces more blood for baby, and your blood pressure and blood sugar levels are lower than they were pre-pregnancy. The best fix? Get more sleep. We know it sounds easier than it really is, but make it your number one priority to get to bed early or to sneak in a nap or four on the weekends.
- Morning sickness. Nausea could be really strong at 8 weeks, again related to those pregnancy hormones. Stay hydrated and graze on healthy snacks throughout the day. If you’re experiencing severe pregnancy nausea at 8 weeks, it might be tough to keep food down , let alone eat right, so finding options you can actually stomach is key. Some moms-to-be swear by ginger, Vitamin B-6, and acupressure wristbands to help with morning sickness—all worth a shot.
- Heightened sense of smell. Along with morning sickness comes another fun symptom: an uncanny sense of smell. Catching a whiff of an offensive odor—perhaps something that’s totally innocuous or never bothered you before—could trigger nausea, so it’s best to try to avoid the smells you’ve become sensitive to.
- Pregnancy cramps. At 8 weeks pregnant, cramping is normal. That’s because the ligaments in your abdomen are stretching as your uterus expands. If your cramping is severe or you’re worried in any way, let your doctor know.
- Constipation. If you’re having trouble going number two, you’re not alone. Constipation during pregnancy happens to about 50 percent of us. To deal, drink lots of water, eat fiber-rich fruits and veggies, and take lots of walks. If you’re still stopped up, talk to your doctor about other remedies.
- Weird dreams. If you’re having vivid and strange dreams, guess what, they’re totally normal throughout pregnancy. It’s not clear what causes these dreams—it could partly be due to new thoughts and anxieties. You’ve certainly got a lot on your mind these days!
- Spotting. It can be alarming to find that you’re spotting at 8 weeks pregnant because, yes, blood can be a sign of miscarriage. But there are some other causes of spotting in the first trimester, including sex (since your cervix may be more sensitive these days). Let your doctor know, so s/he can rule out any problems.
If you’re 8 weeks pregnant with twins, you may feel extra tired and nauseous, since you’ve likely got a higher level of those pregnancy hormones—needed to create two babies.
Remember: if you’re feeling nauseated, extra hungry, or extra tired, it’s all because baby’s growth is in overdrive—and because your body’s still adjusting to all those hormonal changes. Try to remind yourself it will be worth it. (Especially once you reach the second trimester, when most moms-to-be bounce back and feel more energized.)
Also, know that no pregnancy symptoms at 8 weeks is totally normal too. So don’t worry if you’re not feeling too different yet. We promise—soon you will!
Wondering if your belly is the right size at this stage? At 8 weeks pregnant, showing a bit is normal, but not showing is too! That’s because every mom and baby are different. Know that inside your 8 weeks pregnant belly, your uterus is expanding, but it just takes longer for some to show it on the outside. If, say, you’re 8 weeks pregnant with twins, it may be easier to tell you’re pregnant than it is to tell a singleton mom is expecting at this point.
Starting in the second trimester, your OB will likely begin measuring your pregnant belly, but for now, size really doesn’t matter. Healthy weight gain in the first trimester is about one to two pounds each week, so at 8 weeks pregnant, you may have gained as much as 4 to 6 pounds. If you’ve been dealing with morning sickness though, you may have gained next to nothing—and that’s okay too. Let your doctor know if you have any concerns about your weight gain or belly size.
You might have your first prenatal checkup around this time (aka, an 8-week pregnancy appointment), and if you do, you may get to catch a glimpse of your 8-week fetus on the ultrasound. Cue the awwws: you might be surprised to see baby’s arms and legs moving around like crazy in there. You can’t feel it yet, but it’s really happening!
At week 8 of pregnancy, baby's fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and his or her tail (yes, there was one) is gone. Fun fact: baby's taste buds are now forming, gearing up for his or her first meals.
At your first prenatal appointment, you’ll likely have your blood drawn so your doctor can run tests. Your doctor will want to know your blood type and whether it’s Rh positive or negative (because if you’re negative and baby’s positive, you’ll need medication to prevent complications). Your hormone levels and red and white blood cell levels will also be checked to be sure they’re normal. Your blood will also be screened for Hepatitis B, STDs, HIV, and certain immunities.
You’ll also get a pap smear to check for infections and abnormalities. And get ready to pee in a cup, because at this appointment—and likely every appointment—you’ll have to give a urine sample, so your glucose and protein levels can be monitored to rule out gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, respectively. Welcome to your new normal!
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