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3 Ways to Get the Perfect Butt - A Few Exercises to Make Your Butt Bigger and Firmer

Everyone wants to look young and sexy. For both men and women, one way to accomplish this is to have a large, firm backside. You get this by making your butt toned and working the muscles of your backside. Here are a few exercises to make your butt bigger.

3 Easy Exercises To Tone Up Your Butt
1. Squats are a very easy and effective way to work the muscles in your butt and the back of your thighs. The further you spread your legs apart, the more these exercises will work your backside. Go down as far as you can. Some find it easiest to hold onto to something to help them maintain their balance. Just make sure that your legs and butt are doing all of the work.

2. Lunges also work to firm up your butt. If you are not currently physically fit, you may have difficulty getting down low enough for maximum effectiveness. Don't worry, start doing them as low as you are capable of and work you way up to doing deep lunges. Once you have mastered them, you can hold weights while lunging to increase your workout.

3. Hip extensions, or flutter kicks, are a great way to work your upper thighs, butt and hips. This single exercise can completely change the appearance of your backside. Having a big firm booty will not be very attractive if it is surrounded by flabby hips and thighs. Named after the way in which you move your legs while swimming, they can also be done effectively while holding onto the side of a pool.
There are many other things you can do to improve the appearance of your backside. These exercises to make your butt bigger are just a few of the many that you can do. A combination of many exercises is you best bet for getting the big, sexy butt you are looking for.

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