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How to Cut Belly Fat With Cardio

Here's how to cut belly fat with cardio. It's simple, it's quick, and you're probably not doing this already. So if you're looking for a new and fresh way to cut stomach fat, here it is. Try this out and you'll see first hand how powerful and quick the results are. 
How to Cut Belly Fat...
If you use a treadmill, do intervals of walking and running hard.
Nothing eats away at muscles better than slow, long, drawn-out cardio such as jogging. Have you seen joggers and their bodies? You DON'T want to lose muscle? Why? Because muscle is 4-8 times more metabolically active than fat. What that means in simple terms is that a pound of muscle will burn off 4-8 times more calories than a pound of fat... while you do NOTHING.
As you can see, you need muscle for a fast metabolism. I'm not trying to tell you to go to the gym and get big bulky muscles, I'm just telling you don't do anything that reduces the amount of muscle that is already on your body.
Doing high intensity bursts mixed in with slower "active recovery" intensity intervals works great because this doesn't eat away at your muscles. Plus, this type of interval training creates elevated rates of fat burning for hours and hours AFTER you're all done working out. These are BONUS CALORIES burned. You don't get that with jogging.
So whether you do this outdoors or on a treadmill, run hard for 10-15 second intervals and then follow that up with intervals of 30-45 seconds of slow jogging or walking. Do this for no longer than 20 minutes. If you truly run hard on those 10-15 second intervals, than 10-12 minutes will be more than enough to ellicit major fat loss.
Do this 3 times a week. If you're in decent shape, you can do it 4 times a week.
This is pretty much the best way on how to cut belly fat with cardio, so try it out so you can reduce the amount of time you workout while getting 2-4 times better results in half the time.

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