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How To Get Bigger Boobs Naturally

Make your breast bigger and firmer without going under the knife! If yours have shrunk due to age, diet or breast-feeding, here are 10 tricks to get your bounce back:
1. Try a clever tan - Having a professional spray-tan is a great cheat's way to get a bigger bust. Your beautician can use an airbrush to shade definition and create cleavage. And if you can't face the hassle or cost of salon treatment, you can do it yourself at home with spray tan or a bronzer and a large make-up brush. Simply dust or spray the tan along the contours of your cleavage to create the illusion of greater depth.
2. Do the right gym moves - Three moves will firm, lift and boost your breasts. They work by targeting the muscles that surround and support your breasts, and by strengthening the postural muscles in your back and shoulders. If you repeat them daily you should notice a difference after three weeks.
- Press your palms together in front of your breast. Hold for five seconds. Repeat ten times.
-Hold your forearms at shoulder level and pull your arms apart without letting go. You should really be able to feel your breast lift. Repeat 10 times.
- Curl your fingers and lock them together at shoulder height. Pull them apart, without letting go. Repeat 10 times.
3. Eat firming foods - Some nutritionists claim that eating foods containing phytoestrogens (plant hormones that mimic oestrogen) such as lentils, soya and oats, increases bust firmness. But avoid extreme diets, because they encourage rapid fat loss from areas such as the breasts. 
Eating healthy fats such as olive oil, nuts and seeds can maintain a healthy body weight and keep boobs plumped up, while foods such as lean meat, fish and fruit and veg can help improve skin tone and elasticity.
4. Get a secret support - Uplift bras have revolutionized the lives of small-busted women since their launch in 1964. You can buy a nifty gel-filled bra that only pushes boobs up and together for maximum cleavage, the gel pads also fill the areas below for a more rounded look. This avoids the 'lots up top, but nothing underneath' effect that other bras can create and which can give the game away that you're not naturally well-endowed.
5. Think them bigger - It might sound crazy, but hypnotherapists claim they can increase your breast size.
It's supposed to work by sending positive messages to your unconscious mind, which stimulate breast growth. The therapist will also ask your brain to focus on directing fat cells to your boobs. Although there is no scientific proof some women claim to have gone up a cup-size.
6. Copy celebs - Many celebrities, including Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, swear that uses "biostimulation"(gentle electrical pulses) on the key muscle groups surrounding the breasts, causing them to contract and relax up to 900 times an hour.
7. Chew gum - The makers of a chewing gum called Bust-Up say it can help enhance the size, shape and tone of breast by up to 80 per cent when chewed three or four times a day. The Japanese maker says the gum works by releasing phytoestrogen extract from a plant called Pueraria mirifica.
8. Smooth on a lotion - While bust-firming creams won't increase your cup size, they can firm and tighten the skin around your chest, leaving you with a smoother, plumped-up effect.
9. Get some extra padding - Breast enhancers - also known as "chicken fillets" because they look and feel like skinless breast - are made from silicone gel and fit inside your bra or bikini. They give the appearance of fuller breasts, while being comfy and invisible under clothes.
10. Dress to impress - A clever choice of clothes can subtly boost a small bustline:
- Skinny-rib polo necks make the tiniest busts look bigger
- Create fullness by wearing tops or dresses with breast pockets, ruffles, smocking and gathering.
- Horizontal stripes or patterns across the bust will give the illusion of bigger boobs. But steer clear of low necklines, which will draw attention to any lack of curves in that area.


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