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How to Get Rid of Heartburn During Pregnancy - 3 Best Remedies For Quick Relief!

Are you wondering how to get rid of pregnancy heartburn and ease the pregnancy period a little bit for yourself with only natural remedies? I'm glad to say that medicines are not the only solution here and I am going to reveal you 3 remedies that will make your life easier!

Apple cider vinegar - Add a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of raw honey to a glass of warm water. It's sounds a little gross, the taste is also not the best but the effect is fantastic. By drinking one cup a day you'll get rid of heartburn very quickly.

Peppermint tea - Although peppermint in any other form will only increase the heartburn, the peppermint tea will relieve it! It helps well with the digestion problems pregnant women suffer from and preventing the stomach from refluxing the acids to the gullet!

Baking soda - I'm recommending using it only when there is no choice and not on daily routine. Just mix a teaspoon of soda with a glass of water and drink it. It's not so bad and will help you to relieve the heartburn in a matter of one hour!

Ginger - very known remedy for heartburn and sickness so you can feel free to try it for both of them during the pregnancy. Can be applied as tea and can also be eaten. Tastes very good which makes it the most favorite home remedy of women for pregnancy heartburn.

Natural remedies are the best when it comes to pregnancy heartburn because there is no way they can harm you! I hope my article helped you, good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy!

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