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How to Get Smaller Boobs

Here's how to get smaller boobs NATURALLY and for FREE. If you're overweight and want to firm and reduce the size of your breasts that are too large and flabby, then READ THIS NOW.
How to Get Smaller Boobs
1. "Dispersion"
Before I continue I want to be upfront with you. I don't consider myself "all-knowing" when it comes to boobs. I do a lot of health related research and come across a lot of information. Most of it's boring and useless. But this DISPERSION technique caught my eye and I thought it'd be useful to you because I'm totally against cosmetic surgeries because I feel you can get the same results naturally.
Dispersion is a technique of using your hands to rub circles across your breasts.
Now, there is something called "Stimulation" that is similar, but it increases the size of the breasts by using the opposite motion. So to be clear, there is a specific motion you need to follow to reduce and firm your breasts.
What you do is put your hands on the lower inside part of your breasts between your nipples. Now rub circles upwards and out then down along the outter part of your boobs. Then under and between and over the nipples again.
Do this for 200 circles. This will take you about 3 and a half minutes. A circle every second... about. Do this twice a day... once in the morning and once at night.
From my research it didn't say how long it would take to reduce a cup size, but it did say you should notice results within 3 weeks. Does this truly work? I honestly don't know but I wanted to share the information with you and let you be the judge for yourself.
2. Pushups
Your breasts are FAT CLUMPS. That's what they are. Muscle is more compact. If you were to create more muscles in your chest, it would get smaller, firmer, and more compact. Pushups are an easy way to go about this.
An easy way to do this is to simply do 20 pushups a day, EVERYDAY. You don't have to do them all at once. If you can only do 5, then do 5 at a time. If you need to start with your knees on the ground, do it. If possible, build up to 40 pushups a day. Within weeks of doing this, your chest should be firmer and smaller.
There you go. Those are 2 ways on how to get smaller boobs.


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