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How To Increase Breast Size Using Natural Methods

Many women are bothered by their small breast size and hence look for ways to make them appear bigger. Surgery is one of the available options to increase the size of the bust. However, such implants are expensive and entail serious risks. So, if you're wondering how to increase breast size, here are some natural methods that could help.

Fat storage differs in men and women. Women store fat around the waist, around the hips and buttocks, the thighs and bust. The breasts automatically enlarge in size as one gains fat or weight. Thus, if you want to achieve the "right size" you will have to make minor alterations to your diet. This implies including a greater proportion of high-fat foods. Fatty foods will raise the chances of gaining weight. Food items such as fenugreek seeds, saw palmetto and Mexican wild yam contain plant estrogens. They help grow breast tissue and hence can be included in your diet.
In the list of foods and drinks you should avoid is Caffeine. Caffeine consumed in large quantities stunts growth. Caffeine also speeds up fat metabolism in the body.

Exercise is another safe and inexpensive method to make the bust bigger. Exercise does not make the breasts grow in the literal sense but it makes them appear large by lifting and firming pectoral muscles - the upper chest muscles. Push-ups work the upper chest muscles. Weight training exercises also fall in this category.
Increasing fat intake may not sound like a very good idea to you if you're trying to drop weight. Also, it may be difficult if you're one who finds it hard to stick with an exercise routine. How to increase the size of the breast then?
The answer is bust enhancement supplements and creams. There is a wide variety of creams and lotions on the market. They differ in their strengths and textures. The ingredients in these creams and lotions include phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens boost the natural levels of estrogen and thereby stimulate the growth of breast tissue. They have minor side effects. The most common one is a slight tingling of the skin. This sensation subsides after a few days of use. Gently massage the breasts when applying the cream in circular motions. The circulatory motion improves blood circulation.
There are breast enhancement pills too. One can purchase them over the counter at online stores or local health, food and vitamin stores. Most are available in the form of capsules to be taken orally twice a day. It is advised that you take these supplements under the guidance of a medical practitioner to be on the safe side and rule out the possibility of side effects. One should avoid prolonged use of breast enhancement supplements as it causes major side effects in the long run. You should also use supplements according to the given instructions to achieve the best results. When choosing a supplement, opt for natural or herbal options.
In addition to all the methods mentioned above, many experts suggest getting rid of the bra. Bras especially those with underwire constrict the tissue and do not allow enough space to grow and expand. Avoid wearing a bra when at home and when sleeping.

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