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How to Prepare Your Cat for Giving Birth

Once your cat has been bred and she becomes pregnant, it is now up to you to make her as comfortable as possible and to prepare her for pregnancy. There are various things that do need doing and if you want healthy, happy kittens, you will need to spend both time and money on preparing the mother for the upcoming birth.
The Best Ways to Prepare
One of the first things that you will need to do is decide on where you want your cat to have her kittens. It will need to be a place where the mother will be left in peace and where there will be no potential danger to the kittens. The cat will not give birth anywhere that she feels would be a potential danger to her offspring. So, a spacious, quiet and warm area is definitely needed. So, just how do you prepare that area?
  • Separating an Area Off
Even if you do not have the largest house in the world, it is still usually possible to separate a little area off for the cat where she can be left alone while she has her kittens. You can easily separate an area off by using a piece of wood or perhaps you can let your cat go under the stairs if there is nothing else really under there? Wherever you decide, make sure that it is warm and that the cat will not be disturbed. Also, ensure that the cat knows that she can go in there! It is all well and good separating an area off, but if the mother never goes in there, she is unlikely to know to have her kittens there!
  • Making It Comfortable
Placing towels and blankets in the dedicated area will help to keep it nice and comfortable, as well as warm. This will make the cat even more likely to choose it as a potential birth area. Usually, cats tend to have their kittens in warmer months anyway, so you do not have to make it too warm, but comfort is definitely essential.
  • Change The Cats Diet Slightly
It is always better, once you find out that the cat is pregnant, to change the diet and give a food that is suitable for pregnant cats. This will help with the growth of the kittens and it will give the mother all of the essential vitamins and minerals that she needs. This will ensure that the kittens are healthy and, therefore, they will be more suitable to be sold.
Once you do find out that your cat is due to give birth, it is a great idea to follow the advice above. By getting prepared, you and your cat will not be stressed when it comes time for the actual birth process. That way it will make things as simple as possible and you and your cat will fly through the pregnancy with no problems whatsoever.

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