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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Natural Buttock Enhancement - Your Options on How to Get a Bigger Butt Naturally

Now days the desire for buttock enhancement has grown dramatically. With the media flaunting the fact that curves are what's in, there is little room for exception. The fastest growing methods to getting a bigger butt are buttock enhancement surgery as well as illegal injections with silicone, hydro-gel, and other "new" never tested liquids. Not many people know their are actually alternative methods to growing your buttocks faster and safer, with less down time and risk.
Let's explore the options you may have already explored which include surgery and illegal injections. They both carry high risk of complications, especially now that the number of fraudulent plastic surgeons has began to increase. Injections were once legal but after causing so many defects to the buttocks and risk to peoples health, the FDA removed the practice permanently. Plastic surgery can have it's long term defects and if anything goes wrong YOU will have to pull out more money from your pockets to fix it. Aside from that the complete cost for surgery can range from $3000-8000 not including the fee's. Injections can range from $1000-$3000 and it is hard to find a legitimate person who can preform the task as their is a 80% possibility you will be scammed by a fake. Posers can put your life and body at risk and at times, both can lead to death.
One of the most common ways to naturally enhance the size and shape of your buttocks is exercise. The correct way to perform an exercise which will allow you to get a bigger butt, is to perform it using heavy weights. Performing a exercise without weights would just tone and tighten rather then build growth. The most common exercise is the basic squat which mainly targets the gluteus maximus (the larger muscle on the buttock). The most effective way to perform a squat is to push up using the heels of your feet so that it will target your butt and not your thighs. It is also mandatory to do exercises which target the gluteus minimus and medius in order to get a round look and not a too-muscular look.
While exercising it is extremely important to increase your intake of water and to consume food which may contain protein in order to help the muscles recover faster, thus speeding up results. Protein should be consumed before and after your workout regimen.
There are many other ways to increase the size and shape of your buttocks, but this is the most common and effective way to achieve it at a more reasonable price.

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