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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Top Weight Loss Exercise Program For Busy, Overweight Women - How to Lose Inches Fast

Here's a top weight loss exercise program for busy, overweight women. I'm going to show you how to lose inches fast... from all over your body. I must WARN YOU that this program is a little different from CONVENTIONAL programs.
BUT... it's a lot more convenient and easier to do for busy women who can't get to the gym too often.
Top Weight Loss Exercise Program For Women
This program revolves around the free time you do have (1-2 minutes at a time)
Basically, since you're busy, I think it's pointless to schedule workouts for you. You'll just end up skipping them due to life's responsibilities. It's understandable... so don't worry about it. We'll get around that.
Instead, you're going to workout for 1-2 minutes when you get the chance. But you need to make a sincere effort to get in AT LEAST 15 of these "LITTLE WORKOUTS" each day. So 15-30 minutes a day.
It won't be too hard... especially if you spend at least 1 hour a day watching tv.
So what I want you to do is get a mini-trampoline and a hula hoop. These will be your 2 tools to use. A mini-trampoline is $25 and a good weighted hula hoop is around $10.
Next... just do 1 or both of those exercises when you get a free minute or two... or 5. I find a perfect time to do this is during tv commercials. You can get in a full 20 minutes of working out just watching tv for an hour and doing the little workouts during the commercials.
A big benefit from these little workouts is that they boost your metabolism a lot more than 1 big workout. Anyway, that's how to lose inches fast. This is a top weight loss exercise program that I've used for thousands of my online clients... and they've gotten results beyond what they thought was possible.

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