If you are a first time breeder, it isn't surprising if you find yourself a bit stymied when it comes to trying to breed your pet. On the other hand, maybe you don't ever want to breed your pet. No matter which camp you find yourself in, your first question is likely to be "when can a dog get pregnant?" Knowing the answer to this can be very useful to you, and your dog.
It first must be said that if you do not want to breed your pet, you are better off having them spayed at a young age. Spaying your dog will lessen their chances of uterine infections, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer. If you do want to breed your pet, the question "when can a dog get pregnant?" is best answered through an understanding of the estrus cycle.
A dog does not go through menstruation. It goes through heat cycles. Most dogs will go through two heat cycles in one year. Larger dogs can go through a heat cycle every eight months (seemingly once a year), while smaller dogs can have varying heat cycles. Some veterinarians say that it depends on the breed of dog.
Dogs are considered sexually mature (when a dog can get pregnant) during its first estrus cycle. Sometimes this can happen a few months after birth (for smaller to medium sized dogs), and sometimes this can happen a year to two years after birth (for larger dogs.) Irregardless of how often or when it occurs, however, the phases of when a dog can get pregnant are the same.
The first phase of a dog's heat cycle is called the proestrus, the time of the bloody discharge. This is what is commonly noted as menstruation. A few days after the bloody discharge begins, the second phase known as the estrus begins. This is when the discharge becomes less bloody and turns pinkish until it becomes lighter and lighter (sometimes beige in color.) It is during this time that a dog can get pregnant. During this time, when a dog can get pregnant, your dog's vulva will swell slightly, and you will notice that she becomes stiff when a male dog is nearby.
Even if your dog can get pregnant during their first heat cycle, it is advisable that you do not breed them. For smaller dogs, their first heat cycle happens when they are still puppies, and this means they will not be able to support the pregnancy, often times unable to carry it to full term. Because of this, it is generally recommended (for all dogs) that a breeder wait till the second or third heat cycle before attempting to mate or breed their dog.
A pet owner who is serious about breeding their pet, should not only take note of when a dog can get pregnant, but they should also take note of who (which dog) they will be breeding their pet with. If you want to make sure the puppies come out perfectly, be sure your dog has gotten the proper vaccinations or necessary injections. Also, look up the lineage of your dog so that you can find a good match in terms of a mate.
Finally, make sure your dog eats correctly before, during, and after the pregnancy. A dog should have a well rounded, completely healthy diet during this time so as to assure an easy and successful pregnancy. Many veterinarians and dog breeders recommend putting your dog on a raw food diet, especially if you plan on breeding them. This will help them cope with the changes their body goes through during this period, and it will keep them healthy and happy!
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