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11 Easy And Fun Weight Loss Tips For Busy Moms

As a busy mom it is hard enough to find time to handle your daily responsibilities, let alone find the time to lose that extra weight. It seems easy enough for people to tell you what you need to do to get rid of that excess fat but how do you manage to fit workout routines into your hectic schedule? Where is the time that you need to shop for the ingredients and then prepare those special, low-cal meals?

Well, there really are a number of ideas that you can use to help lose that weight, and these 11 tips are easy enough to fit into any busy schedule.

1. There are gyms and exercise classes that offer child-friendly facilities that you can use. Many of these places have well established baby sitting services that they can offer. Some even include computer classes and exercise sessions that will keep your kids entertained while you exercise privately with other moms.

2. Make it a fun activity for the family to clean the yard, walk the dog or take your youngest children for a ride in their strollers (or on their bikes). These are family oriented moments that provide you with the motivation and inspiration to burn off some of those unwanted calories.

3. You can begin a kitchen garden in your back yard that will provide you with healthy veggies and let you burn off some of those fat calories as you weed, hoe and plant. Teach your kids about the benefits of regular exercise and a well balanced diet, and you will be helping inspire your own efforts to lose weight at the same time.

4. Raking leaves should be fun and it is a great opportunity to run, jump and leap about your yard with the kids. Sure you can hire someone to do this job for you but you will be giving up the chance to lose weight, get in shape and bond with your family.

5. Ride your bike or jog alongside your youngsters as they ride their own bikes around the block or along the biking paths at the park. Why would you want to sit on a bench and let your kids get all the benefits and enjoyment out of this naturally healthy exercise? A ½ hour on a bike can burn more than 100 calories and the bonus of this weight loss activity is that this is time you are sharing with your children.

6. Take your children on walks to the store or to the park and make it an adventure. Losing weight can be fun and walking is something that you can do every single day. Explore the world around you during these walks and you will find that a lot of that "mommy" stress is being eliminated right along with those extra calories you are burning.

7. When you and your toddlers are at the park make sure that you are participating in the activities. Join them for a game of tag; instead of just pushing them on a swing you should try swinging too; and you can even re-discover the fun of running again when you join your kids in this activity.

8. Instead of using your car for every chore you should walk or use a bike whenever possible. This means that you are doing your part for the 'green' movement and you are also helping yourself lose that excess weight.

9. It is easier to create healthy snacks and meals than you might imagine. Keep fresh fruits and veggies on hand for making main dish salads and snacks. Remember that steamed, broiled and raw veggies are healthier for you to eat than those that are smothered in rich sauces and creamy gravies. Simple meals are easy and fast and these are the food choices that will help you get rid of those extra pounds.

10. When your little ones are ready to sleep you can get ready to burn off some major calories. Jogging strollers will let you kick up the pace of your exercise while your baby enjoys the ride or drifts off to sleep. If you do not have one of these strollers just use your regular stroller and try to maintain a fairly brisk walking pace. Walking for 30-60 minutes can help you burn off as many as 200+ calories, and you will also be toning your muscles and improving your cardiovascular system.

11. Exercise with your family and pets instead of trying to isolate your exercise time away from them. You will soon discover that you are losing that extra weight and getting into shape, but more importantly you are doing these things without increasing your stress levels. Even better, you are instilling a love for healthy eating and exercise in your kids.

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