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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice


Trying to find a personal trainer that is right for you can be a tough thing to do. Although most are great, some of them simply won't be the right trainer for you. This is mostly due to price, location, personality differences and other factors.

Unfortunately, a personal trainer that works well with you is going to take a little thought on your part.
First of all, figure out exactly why you want one in the first place. A great reason to hire a personal trainer is if you're not a self-motivated person. They can push you to exercise even when you don't want to. They can also give you many physical fitness tips you wouldn't get otherwise. You can also hire them to make sure you're exercising correctly. By doing simple tests early on, they should be able to know exactly what exercises you should be doing, for how long, and how often.
After you figure out why you want to hire a personal trainer, you'll want to create a list of qualities you'd like them to have. Below is a list of qualities that you will most likely want to find out.

1. Certification- Finding out where they got their personal trainer certification is very important. Make sure it's nationally recognized instead of some organization nobody has ever heard of. In most cases there is a major difference in quality between a personal trainer certified from a nationally recognized organization and one from an unknown company.

2. Experience- For the most part, the longer a person has been a personal trainer the better they will be. However, if you come across a person who is new to the field but shows more knowledge than others and connects with you better - by all means go with them. There's nothing wrong with going with someone newer. After all, their fees will most likely be lower anyway - which may or may not be an issue for you.

3. Personalized Workouts- One great thing to do when talking with a personal trainer is to give them scenarios. Tell them your situation and see exactly what they would do to help you achieve your goals. Some personal trainers give "template" workouts. These are workouts that are mostly the same for each client. Stay away from those people. You want to find a personal trainer that will give you a brand new workout based on your own history, fitness level and goals. Make sure they have good listening skills and know exactly what you want - not what they want.

4. How They Train You- When asking how they work, ask for specifics. For example, do they stand directly next to you and make minor changes in your form so you do it correctly? Do they give you physical fitness tips so you get in shape much faster than you would on your own? Do they motivate you to push yourself a little to get that last rep? Find out exactly what their style for training is and make sure it's exactly the style you want.

5. Knowledge- Write down a few sample questions to make sure they are knowledgeable about health and fitness. For example you could ask them to give you reviews of exercise bikes and treadmills to make sure they are educated in different exercise equipment. You could also ask why they're having you do what they're suggesting. Act like a small child and keep asking questions so you can be sure they really know what they're talking about.

Trying to find a personal trainer can be a stressful experience, but doing your research and asking the right questions is well worth your time. By following the suggestions in this article you should be able to find and hire the perfect personal trainer for you in a reasonably short amount of time.

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