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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice



Olive oil is created by grinding olives and using a chemical or mechanical process to extract their oil. Throughout the world, this oil is used in cooking, soaps, cosmetics, and even as fuel. Testing has linked it with a reduction in risk of coronary heart disease and reduced blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Topical application of olive oil for skin benefits is also popular because the substance is thought to heal, smooth, soften, and moisturize.

Olive oil is used in facial cleansers, facial masks, and blended oil treatments that moisturize skin and address scarring. When this is regularly applied to them, the prominence of stretch marks may be reduced. It contains several vitamins and minerals that benefit hair and skin, making it a popular ingredient in an array of skin care products.
People suffering from itchy, irritated skin can make a hair and skin itch fighter by adding ten drops of tea tree oil and ten drops of neem oil to two tablespoons of olive oil. Applying this mixture to irritated skin on the scalp or remainder of the body should provide relief. This recipe can also be used to treat acne, cuts, and insect bites, making it a multi-purpose home remedy.
This type of oil is beneficial for mature skin that has begun to show signs of aging. It is one of several oils that help to smooth, plump, and improve the texture of skin. In its natural state, this oil even has low sun protection, ranging from SPF 2 to 8. Studies involving mice revealed that applying olive oil immediately after UVB ray exposure could prevent the formation of tumors and even skin cancer.

The cleansing quality of this oil has not gone unnoticed and a special cleansing process called the oil cleansing method, or OCM, was developed around it. This involves cleansing and moisturizing the face using a mixture of a carrier oil such as castor oil, extra virgin olive oil, and select essential oils. For generations, people have been using this oil to heal and soften skin, penetrate deeply to moisturize, and regenerate skin cells.
Explore the many uses of olive oil for skin care in more depth and consider incorporating this substance into the daily skin treatment routine.
This oil can be used to make face masks, anti-fungal and antiseptic oil blends, soothing skin remedies, and much more. Keep some olive oil on hand in the bathroom as well as the kitchen in order to benefit skin.

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