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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice


The best weight loss tips after pregnancy are to work at it slowly and remember that it took nine months to put on the weight; it should take just as long to take it off. That may be disheartening news to a lot of new moms ready to get back to their pre-pregnancy body, but it is by far the healthiest way to go.

Generally speaking, most women lose about ten pounds from giving birth and a few more the weeks following birth. However, the remaining weight gain is harder to get rid of, especially the fat pads accumulated in the stomach, waist and thighs.

Keeping hydrated with water is a very important weight loss tip. Drinking enough water will help get rid of fluids left from pregnancy, rid your body of toxins and be fuel for breastfeeding, if you choose to nurse. Breastfeeding alone is a great way to burn calories, especially fat, and it is completely natural and almost effortless. You also get the added bonus of bonding with your newborn baby in a way that no one else can.

Another weight loss tip after pregnancy is to stay away from bad foods. Not only will you be benefiting your baby, who gets all necessary vitamins from the food you eat through breast milk, but you will be giving your body food to properly nourish your body. Junk food will only be a detriment to your weight loss battle. Fresh fruits are a great source of energy and fiber that make you feel fuller with little cost to your weight. Lean meats will also help you cut the fat you eat. Replace all white breads, cereal and pastas with whole grain varieties.

As soon as you feel up to exercising, start slowly. You can gradually increase the intensity of your workout as you go along. Walking is a great place to start. To make your workout have a greater impact on your body, carry your baby at the same time.

Remember that there are no overnight weight loss programs. All weight loss takes time

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