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Annoying Low Carb Diet Myths

The low carb diet brings in some criticism and some unfounded MYTHS due to its enormous success. We'll hope to have eradicated all these unwarranted notions from your mind by the time you finish reading this article in its entirety.
Here are the most common myths associated to the low carb diet plan. They're not in any particular order so, don't read anything to this:
1. The fact Dr Atkins died, people also pronounced dead it low carb diet plan, the famous "Atkins diet" - obviously named after him since he was the founder of the plan, for those of you that didn't know this. Dr Atkins actually died of brain injuries resulting from a fall, and this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the diet he famously founded.
2.It has been said that the low carb diet will reduce the amount of calcium in your body. 
This couldn't be farther from the truth, as since the low carb diet is rich in protein, this in fact actually prevents calcium from entering your urine.
3. They say the low carb diet plan will damage one's kidney. 
Not unless one already has a kidney defect, because the low carb diet, though rich in protein, this is not what the entire meal is made of. Once on low carb diet, one still must observe the balancing of the meal consumed. It has been said that some Doctors actually recommend the low carb diet for some of their patients in other to treat kidney problems. As I'm not a doctor, I always and shall continue to encourage people wanting to lose weight to seek professional advice before embarking on any form of weight loss or diet programs or plan.
4. Moving from kidney, there's also this myth that whilst on low carb diet, that you're dicing with heart disease. 
To the contrary, it's a fact that the low carb diet plan actually reduces the risk of having a heart disease. It has also been proven that even food containing lots of animal fat and proteins do not constitute risk for heart disease.
5. There is no fibre present in the low carb diet. 
The low carb diet is, on the contrary full of fibre, and research also shows that the presence of this fibre actually lessens the effect and the amount of carbohydrate in one's body. Which makes the low carb diet a very pragmatic diet plan?
6. Whilst on low carb diet, you're not allowed fruits or vegetables. 
This one actually gets me mad, because it's not a secret that the population for one reason or another do just not like eating fruits and vegetables. This goes back for years, and the Governments all over the world are now making it a point of duty by recommending the daily intakes. So, just because people have preferences doesn't mean it's down to the low carb diet plan.
7.Low cab diet means total elimination of carbohydrate. 
Even the most critical doctors, scientists, or nutritionists will dispel this, as in any given meal, one must have at least 45% - 65% carbohydrates in their meals, depending on each individual, of course.
8. Low carb diet will attract permanent bad breath. This to some extent is true, but not because you're on low carb diet plan. 
This is simply because, people, regardless of what weight loss or diet program the embark on, they feel they have to abstain from other meals such as eating fruits and vegetables. Even if one's not on any form of diet, by not eating fruits and vegetables will certainly attract bad breath. To combat this is simple, just eat more fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. This has nothing to do with low carb diet alone!
I hope with the above explanations, you can now take the plunge we ease and confidence and start embarking on a new and healthy journey and lifestyle using the low carb diet plan.

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