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Diseases Associated With the Respiratory System

5 Diseases Associated With the Respiratory System
Our respiratory system is very important as it allows us to breathe and to provide us with the air we need to live.
Every disease should therefore be avoided or, if it does occur, treated and eliminated as soon as possible. There are minor diseases that can be treated within a few days and others that need help from a physician or may even require the patient to go to hospital.
Let us talk about the minor diseases that can be treated directly by who is suffering them.
The first is certainly a cold.Once you manifest a cold, do not immediately start to take drugs.
The second disease is a sore throat.It often precedes a cold.
The third is a stuffed nose that makes breathing difficult
The fourth might involve the sinuses.
The fifth is a cough.
There are simple methods that can help so that respiration is again possible without causing any problems. Let us see what you can do in all the above mention diseases. Should the means I am going to indicate not help, seek a physician's advice.
Respiratory diseases can be treated at home but they should not be undervalued. If they are not treated or the home-made treatment is not effective within a few days, they can evolve into something more serious.
If you massage the two points at the basis of your nose, that is between the nose and the eyes,, you open up the energy channels. Then massage the point at the inner end of your eyebrow on both sides, then the point at the center of the eyebrow on both sides, then the point at the outer end of your eyebrow on both sides, then massage the center above the bone, directly underneath your eyes, then the center underneath the bone on your cheeks and finally the point at the center of your chin.
The massage, carried out with your index or middle fingers, should be done softly. If you feel pain when pressing one or the other point, don't massage the point that causes pain. You massage each point three times in a circular way and repeat the whole cycle seven times. You will immediately feel that your breathing becomes easier, that the pain lessens. You can treat the cold, the sore throat, the stuffed nose and the sinuses with these simple and soft movements.
As far as the cough is involved, cup your forearms. This means to tap your forearms with the opposite hand that you form in a cup. Don't tap them hard but do it for some minutes. Do the same on the other forearm. The lung channels run through your forearms. This tapping or cupping of the forearms is also beneficial to the other diseases mentioned above.
For the sore throat there is another means: dissolve some salt in water and use this solution to cleanse your throat. Do not drink the solution, just spit it out after the cleansing. Salt cleanses your throat and helps calm the pain.


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