Ear aches and ear infections present themselves with many of the same symptoms, and this can make it difficult to figure out whether you have one or the other. In order to determine whether you or your child is suffering from an ache or an infection, you will need to be aware of the symptoms of each problem. It is important to remember, however, that a doctor will need to be consulted in either case so that a proper diagnosis can be made.
Ear Ache as a Result of a Cold
The cold virus can often cause an ear ache, and when this happens, the pain can range from a mild throbbing, burning or stinging pain, to a more severe one. In these cases, you will often find mucus of a yellow or green color in the nose and possibly mild fevers.
Fluid in the Ear
Ear ache is usually caused by excess fluid that presses against the ear drum and puts pressure on it. Over time, the ear drum begins to stretch, and this is when the pain begins to subside. Although the individual will experience pain, the ear drum itself will remain a healthy color; a pinkish grey.
When the patient is only dealing with an ear ache and not an ear infection, he or she will usually find that the pain subsides within a few hours. Excess fluid in the ear will naturally drain away, and it is quite common for the patient not to experience further problems once this liquid has been drained.
Diagnosing an Ear Infection
Ear infections are result of the virus called Otitis Media. Infections can also be a result of a cold, as there is a chance that the fluid in the ear becomes infected. When a patient suffers from an ear infection, they will usually experience severe amounts of pain, high fevers and a range of other symptoms, including sleeplessness, loss of appetite, vertigo and drainage from the ear that takes on a white, yellow or brown color. Irritability is also another sign of an ear infection, and this is especially common in children, since the pain and the lack of sleep begin to take a toll on them after some time.
To properly diagnose an ear infection, a doctor will need to look into the ear with his diagnostic medical instrument. When an infection is present, the ear drum will lose its pinkish gray color and take on a swollen, red and inflamed appearance.
Obtaining the Appropriate Treatment
When an ear infection occurs, treatment needs to be administered quickly and efficiently. Treatments will range from antibiotics to treat infection, and ear drops that will need to be administered according to the doctors orders. Ear infections can be severe enough to damage the ear drum and the hearing capabilities of the patient, and so they should be treated with caution. In the event that an ear ache is present for more than 24 hours, the patient should visit their doctor to obtain the appropriate treatment.
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