When a woman has a menstrual periods, the uterus contracts in attempt to push out the lining. These uterine contractions are caused by hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. High levels of prostaglandins are responsible for menstrual cramps and menstrual pain. A little pain at the onset of the menstrual cycle is normal, but generally a woman should not experience any pain during menstruation.
Many women are so used to feeling this kind of pain that they have come to accept menstrual cramps as an unavoidable occurrence of the menstrual cycle. In reality there is so much any woman can do in order to have a pain-free period.
The following is a simple list of natural things any woman suffering from menstrual cramps can do in order to improve her situation:
1. Reduce the amount of coffee consumed every day. Even decaffeinated coffee beverages should be avoided, especially before your period arrives.
2. Eliminated daily alcohol intake and limit alcohol consumption only to special occasions.
3. Increase the amount of water. Avoid drinking tap water or water contained in water bottles as they contain high levels of xenoestrogen, which mimics the action of estrogen and cause hormonal imbalance leading to irregular cycles, painful menses, infertility, etc.
4. Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, and fruits.
5. Eat only organically raised meat, and limit the amount of red meat to once a week.
6. Eat cold water fish that have been wild caught and not farmed.
7.Avoid or limit dairy foods as they increase prostaglandins production.
8Do not smoke.
9. Reduce salty food intake before your period.
10. Increase circulation of blood flow to the reproductive organs by exercising, aerobic, walking or doing yoga.
11. Take a daily multivitamins specific for women. Take additional magnesium, calcium and B vitamins, especially B3 and B6.
There are a number of other important things that women who suffer can do in order to decrease the severity of menstrual cramps. For example, it is often necessary to avoid using intra-uterine devices (IUD) to prevent pregnancy because they can increase menstrual cramping and bleeding, often leading to inflammation and even pelvic inflammatory disease. Many women, should also consider using tampons only when necessary and use sanitary tampons most of the time, instead.
There are specific vitamins that are helpful in decreasing menstrual cramps related to poor nutrition and mineral deficiency. These are omega 3 & 9 fatty acids, DHA, EPA and GLA.
Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
Homeopathic medicine is very safe and effective in treating menstrual cramps and can be used by young girls, as well as by women who are trying to conceive because homeopathic medicine is non-toxic and 100% natural with no reported side effects. In homeopathic medicine the symptoms experienced by the patient should match the indication of the homeopathic remedy. The following is a list of the most commonly used homeopathic remedies and how they can help a women who is suffering from menstrual cramps.
This remedy helps soothe violent menstrual cramps worse on the right side. This remedy is indicated in cases of sudden onset of pain and cramps accompanied with bright red, and heavy bleeding, often with clotted and hot blood flow. The uterus feels very congested and the woman is better by drinking cold water with lemon. She is very thirsty and prefers to rest. As the intensity of the cramps increases, she may become angry and irritable. This remedy is often indicated in cases of heavy bleeding and cramping caused by a miscarriage.
This is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies for the mental and emotional symptoms that accompany painful periods due to menstrual cramps. The woman is very sensitive to the pain and cannot tolerate and becomes extremely irritable, almost childish. The pain is very intense and from the uterus moves down the inner thighs. The blood flow may present clots large in size and dark in color mixed with bright red blood.
This remedy helps the woman who feels the pain more in the ovaries and less in the uterus. She wants to bend double because this position ameliorates her situation. She prefers hard pressure on the lower abdomen and warm applications. She can be easily angered, which make her pain worse.
This remedy helps those women who feel pain all over their body with sore perineum with as if bruised. The blood flow is heavy and the woman feels weak.
This remedy is used more in the pre-menstrual period as with this remedy the woman feels better when the flow arrives. Before the flow she is irritable, she has headaches with flushes of heat. The cramps are sever and begin before the flow. They are worse from pressure and the woman wants to wear loose clothing. The flow is scanty with little blood, often very dark in color with intense cramping. Once the flow sets in, the cramps go away. She feels hot and wants cold drinks and cool air.
Magnesia Phosphorica
This is the main remedy for menstrual cramps as it will work in pretty much every case. If you are not sure what remedy to take, this is the one to start from. The main symptoms is that warm applications and warm food and drinks ameliorate the menstrual pain. The pain is felt in the uterus and the woman wants to lay down better on the right side.
Nux Vomica
This remedy has a marked symptom of menstrual cramps associated with lower back pain with a feeling of need to pass a stool. She may feel irritable, easily angered and cold. During her periods is has an increased desire for fatty (unhealthy foods), smoking and desire for alcohol. This remedy is also indicated in women whose flow lasts too long.
This remedy is for woman who become very emotional and weepy before and during their periods. They change their mood easily and also their menstrual pain changes frequently with no easily identifiable pattern. She is shy, needy and wants constant attention and support. She does not want to drink and she craves cold creamy dishes that give her nausea. She feels warm and prefer open, fresh air. She constantly wants to open the window and change the air in the room when too stuffy.
Sepia helps those who, during their period, have mental and physical weakness with bearing down pain as if all the organs would fall out. The period can be late and profuse or early and scanty. The pain is felt as stitching pains that travel in the vagina. She becomes cold, irritable, depressed and averse to physical and mental work. She often desires sour foods and chocolate. She is better by warm applications and by movement. This remedy is indicated for women who develop menstrual problems after birth control pill or pregnancy.
Anyone who is suffering from very strong menstrual cramps accompanied by heavy bleeding during menses should consult her doctor in order to exclude gynecological conditions like fibroids, polycystic ovaries or endometriosis.
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