S*xually-transmitted diseases, also knows as STDs, are major problem not only in the United States but also in the rest of the world. S*xually-transmitted diseases are diseases that are transmitted when two individuals, engaged in s*xual activity, knowingly or unknowingly exchange bodily fluids. For example, if a man ejaculates into a woman, then sperm is transferred. As a result, the woman will catch whatever diseases the man has. Or, if the man's s*xual organ has an open bruise on it so that blood is exposed and the man has s*x with a women, then the man might be infected, through the open wound, by whatever disease(s) the woman has.
Some of most widely knows s*xually-transmitted diseases are HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis. These diseases have a variety of effects, though sometimes there are no (visible) symptoms. Some symptoms of STDs are
- itching and scratching
- menstrual problems
- abnormal urination
- fever
- sore throat
- ulcers
- blindness
- death
It is important to note that this list is only a partial list of the many effects and symptoms of being infected by a s*xually-transmitted disease. Aside from death, there are many symptoms that are MUCH worse than the ones listed here (and some may such symptoms are even worse than death, although it is the process by which an individual can die that is particularly painful and gruesome).
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or reduce the risk of being infected by an STD. Because STDs occur by an exchange of bodily fluids, one prevention technique is using condoms. Condom use is not a foolproof way to stop the transmission of STDs; it just reduces the risk of the spread of the disease. There are also vaccines for certain diseases, although most vaccines are not completely effective and many are being improved or developed.
What is also important for individuals to do is, after having any type of s*x in which bodily fluids can be exchanged, to visit a clinic to be tested for a s*xually-transmitted disease. Many clinics provide free sexually-transmitted diseases tests. Moreover, those individuals who know that they have a s*xually-transmitted disease should not have s*x so that the disease(s) they have do not spread. If they do want to have risk the spread of their disease and have s*x, they must inform their sexual partner of each and every s*xually-transmitted disease (they know) they have.
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