Common s*xually transmitted diseases (STDs) might not be as common as the common cold, but the variety of STDs and the number of people who have contracted them are already very significant in number for us to be able to list the top 3 most common s*xually transmitted disease. Along with the list is a short description of the condition, along with its symptoms.
Syphilis, also known as Syph, Pox and Bad Blood: is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease. This disease is usually passed or acquired due to direct contact with the wound or the sore. This is passed on by bacteria that are called spirochetes that can get inside your body during s*xual activity. Upon getting into your body, they go further and go to your blood and internal organs. The incubation period of this disease is about ten days to three months, averaging at about 21 days. This common s*xually transmitted disease's symptoms are, at first, sores that are painless, which usually indicate where the germs entered. The next symptoms are rashes, loss of hair, and sore throat, among others. These signs are usually gone in about two to four weeks, but if this goes untreated, these symptoms might reappear in later years.
Gonorrhea, also has the nickname GC, Drip, and Clap: is another common s*xually transmitted disease. This disease is usually passed through direct contact between mucous membranes that are infected, such as the genitals, anus, and the mouth of one person with mucous membranes of another. Contaminated fingers can pass the organism from infected mucous membranes to the eyes as well. Sometimes, there are no symptoms experienced from this common s*xually transmitted disease, but for those that experience symptoms, these are burning and probably painful urination and pus discharges for the men because of the infection of the urethra, while a vaginal discharge may be experienced by the women. Complications that might be acquired from this STD are pelvic inflammatory disease, sterility for men and women, arthritis, blindness, meningitis, heart damage, kidney damage and skin rashes, among others.
HIV/AIDS or Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection/ Acquired Immune Deficiency is another common s*xually transmitted disease. This disease first occurred in Africa and thereafter spread to the Caribbean Islands. It was reported in the USA in 1981, and later on cases were reported in other countries. This sexually transmitted disease spread so rapidly and so widely that it soon occurred in epidemic proportions in several courtiers of the world. The case for this disease is currently pandemic. There are several modes of transmission of this disease. HIV/AIDS may be transmitted through s*xual contact, blood transfusion, contaminated tools such as syringes, needles, nippers and razor blades, direct contact with an open wound or mucous membranes with contaminated blood, body fluids, semen and vaginal discharges. Symptoms of this disease are loss of appetite, weight loss, fever of unknown origin, malaise, persistent diarrhea, tuberculosis, and skin cancer, among others. In the early stages, a person with this disease may experience loss of concentration, loss of libido, apathy, psychomotor retardation and withdrawal.
Prevention is one's best ally against these diseases, and knowledge about these common sexually transmitted diseases is one of the best steps one could ever take as a precaution. The next best thing to do is to get tested to ensure that one is not afflicted with this disease.
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