There are many myths and misconceptions about the process of low carb dieting. Some people think they can simply cut out bread and pasta and lose a hundred pounds. However, this is not how the diet works. There are many different factors you need to consider before you decide to cut the carbs out of your life and start low carb dieting.
Consider the following myths and misconceptions.
It Is Not For Everyone
Low carb dieting is not necessarily for everyone. If you have certain health concerns you should talk to your doctor before cutting all the carbs out of your diet. In some cases you could end up hurting yourself physically by removing carbs that provide energy for your body. Certain people need more carbs than others on a daily basis. Therefore, low carb dieting should never be considered unless you know it is safe for you.
You don't Need to Exercise
Anytime you want to diet you need to exercise. Losing weight can be easy using a fad diet, but in order to keep the weight off you need to develop a regular exercise routine. Without exercise you are fifty percent more likely to put the weight back on, and twenty-five percent of people put more weight on.
Breads, Pastas, and Potatoes are the Only Sources of Carbs
Carbs are found in over half of the foods most people eat. They do come in pastas, breads and potatoes but they are also found in juices, crackers, rice, and sweets. In order to determine how many carbs are in a food you need to read the food nutrition label. The label will state the total amount of carbs found in a food. Most people should eat less than 200 carbs on a daily basis. However, some low card diets suggest that you eat less than twenty carbs a day. Keep in mind when you are dieting that carbs are the source of energy for your body. If you cut them too drastically you may feel weak or tired all the time.
Low carb Dieting Can be Completed for Years
Many people think that the can go on low carb dieting for years without any side effects. However, this is not the case. If you drastically reduce the number of carbs you take in for an extended period of time there are consequences. Cabs are converted by insulin to create the energy for your body to move, work, and perform daily duties. However, carbs also provide the energy for your organs to function. If you diet for years these organs may not be able to keep up without the necessary energy.
While low carb dieting can be a quick way to lose unwanted pounds you should make sure that you are safe while dieting. Talk with your doctor or nutritionist before beginning any low carb dieting regimen. They can help you set the limits or boundaries for the amount of carbs you will cut from your diet.
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