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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

5 Healthy and Cheap Foods to Eat Without Being on a Diet

I'm going to share with you 5 healthy and cheap foods to eat to help improve your weight loss without having to go on a diet. I know you think the list will be all fruits and vegetables... you'd be wrong! There's only 1 fruit on this list... everything else is stuff you'd eat even when not on a diet.
Healthy and Cheap Non-diet Foods
1. Black beans
This is probably the most recommended foods I try to open up my clients to. Each can of black beans has 25 grams of protein and 25 grams of fiber... a perfect combination. Plus, no sugar. All for a whopping 48 cents.
2. Lentils
If this was quicker to cook (takes about 30 minutes), I'd recommend it even more than black beans. Each 1 pound bag contains 143 grams of fiber and 130 grams of protein. For 72 cents, that's pretty much the most protein and fiber you'll find for that low of a price.
3. Tuna
At 60 cents a can, water-packed tuna has 33 grams of protein and virtually no carbs or fat.
4. Eggs
You can get a carton of 18 eggs for about $2.10... so each egg costs roughly 12 cents. Eat 3-4 eggs for breakfast. It's about the best choice you can make to start the day off right. Each large egg has 6 grams of protein.
5. Apples
Ah, here's the fruit. Apples are great because they're high in water content and relatively high in fiber (5 grams per apple). Apples make a perfect snack... or perfect for eating right before a meal to crowd out some of the meal's calories.
So go ahead and eat these 5 healthy and cheap non-diet foods so that you can lose weight without feeling like you're on a diet.


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