First off, I hate treadmills and treadmill workouts. Most people who use them waste their time on them. Jogging, walking, whatever... it's a waste of time how they use this machine. Generally speaking, if you're going to jog or walk, how about doing it outside in the fresh air?
Anyway, forget what I just said because I'm going to show you an incredible treadmill workout that'll basically force you to lose a ton of fat from your belly, thighs, hips, and butt... and it'll only take 15-20 minutes of your time.
Best Treadmill Workout
So what is this mysterious treadmill workout that's so much better than walking and jogging on a treadmill? Well, it's walking on the treadmill... but inclining it 10-15 degrees.
Oh, you're thinking what's the big deal. Uh, I dare you to try it once and then get back to me on that thought. Smile. Walking on a treadmill is fine for long term, slow weight loss. But walking on a 10-15 degree inclined treadmill will cause rapid and massive fat loss really quick.
It's like night and day.
Why does walking on an incline work so good? Simple, it causes a huge oxygen deficit within your body (something regular walking doesn't do). When that happens, your body is looking to scavenge any energy source it can because it needs energy right now! It can't wait.
Well golly gee, guess what? It goes straight to plundering your body fat for that quick energy. You can almost feel your body burning off the fat cells when this is happening, it's a weird feeling.
So there you have it, just adjust the treadmill up by 10-15 degrees and voila, you are in for some serious fat burning. You only need to walk on it for 15-20 minutes a day.
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