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[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Bye Bye Belly Fat - Burn Belly Fat Quickly With These Simple and Unusual Fat Loss Exercises!

Say bye bye belly fat. I'm going to show you how to burn belly fat quickly with some simple and unusual fat loss exercises. If you exercise a lot but aren't losing any fat, then READ THIS NOW!

Bye Bye Belly Fat - Burn Belly Fat Quickly
1. Incline walking with deep breathing
To force your body to burn off stomach fat quickly, incline walking with a deep breath each minute is ideal. Why? First off, if you're overweight it's unwise to jump into a "HARDCORE" exercise routine or workout. The odds of you getting hurt within the first 6 weeks are 50-50.
No one tells you that, huh?
With walking, that's something easy that you can do. But plain old walking doesn't burn off belly fat fast. That's where the incline and deep breathing come in.
Inclining a treadmill just barely to 10 degrees ramps up fat loss incredibly. Of course, it's harder than walking on a flat surface. So be prepared to sweat if you do this for 15-20 minutes. But 1 other thing you can do that adds to the extra fat burning power of incline walking is to take 1-2 deep breaths every minute you're walking.
Why? Well, because the added oxygen intake into your body is a catalyst for fat oxidation/burning. Just take a big inhale and let out a big exhale. Nothing more.

2. My secret exercise that triples weight loss... spinning around like children
It's funny that most of my clients don't take me seriously when I tell them to do this. They think it's a joke. Well, I can assure you it isn't. Spinning actually speeds up your weight loss big time due to it's unique abilities to stimulate and harmonize your hormones via your Endocrine System.
It's kinda complex which is why I have a report on it, but to get you going with this article I'll give you the basics. Spin clockwise. Spin until you get a LITTLE BIT dizzy.
That's it. Oh, and be sure to do AT LEAST 5 sets of spins a day to get the most benefits out of this exercise... TO START WITH. I actually do 10 sets of 20 spins everyday.
So go ahead and try these out and prove to yourself that you can burn belly fat quickly with these 2 unique fat loss exercises. Do you see me waving BYE BYE BELLY FAT to you?

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