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Heartburn in Pregnancy - 10 Ways to Treat Naturally

Heartburn in pregnancy is a very common, uncomfortable problem that most pregnant women face. There are so many changes going on in your body, especially hormonally.
Hormones affect a lot of things that happen in your body, even your gastrointestinal system! The valve between your stomach and esophagus is more relaxed due to the higher level of progesterone, causing more acids to come up. If you are experiencing more heartburn at the end of your pregnancy, it is probably caused by crowding in the abdominal cavity.
The good news is that there are some things you can do to prevent or lessen the heartburn in pregnancy! Try some of these things before resorting to medications:
1. Eat lean meat. Meats tend to be a major source of fat in our diet, especially if you are craving hamburgers and hot dogs during pregnancy! The high fat content of meats such as these can cause the heartburn to be worse.
2. Say no to fried foods. That's right, fried foods are not only bad for you but can also make you feel bad when it comes to heartburn. This includes fried chicken, french fries, fried pickles (yes, they do exist!), or fried anything!
3. Avoid alcohol. You should be doing this anyway during pregnancy, but a reason other than the health of your baby is the fact that it can make your heartburn worse.
4. Be careful with coffee. Though you may already be limiting this for other reasons during pregnancy, it's possible that heartburn can be another motivating factor.
5. Skip the spices. Onion, garlic, and other spices may aggravate your heartburn, so try cutting it out for a while to see if that helps.
6. Save chocolate for special occasions. Even though you may be craving chocolate during pregnancy, try to determine if it may be causing your heartburn before indulging. You may end up regretting it later!
7. Watch out for carbonation. You may need to make water your main beverage, since carbonated beverages are another aggravator of heartburn.
8. Moderation with tomatoes. Tomatoes are so good for you, so before deciding to completely cut them out of your diet, try to determine if they are causing heartburn for you. They are a common cause of heartburn for some.
9. Eat in a more relaxed setting. Stress can actually cause heartburn to be worse, so try to avoid stressful subjects at the dinner table.
10. Find ways to de-stress. Go for a leisurely walk, listen to relaxing music, or do whatever helps you to feel calm. This can help in your heartburn battle.

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