Whenever a woman thinks that she might be pregnant, the earliest possible sign of pregnancy that comes in her mind is missed periods. However you will be surprised to know that missed period does not come in the first 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy. Do you know what that means? This means that it is possible to detect pregnancy even before the missed periods with the help of below mentioned 5 earliest possible signs of pregnancy.
It is a fact that when a woman misses her period because of conception the following mentioned 5 symptoms has set in the pregnant body of the woman at least a week before the scheduled date of periods.
Increased Basal Body Temperature: The basal body temperature is elevated at the time of ovulation. However if this temperature stays elevated till the date of the expected period then it is the easiest pregnancy symptom.
Ovulation is the time when egg is released from the ovaries. The egg is pushed towards the fallopian tubes where on its way towards uterus it meets the sperm. The implantation of fertilized egg in the lining of the uterus takes place within 6 to 12 days of ovulation. This is generally 2 weeks before the due date of the next periods.
Even a half degree Fahrenheit elevation of basal body temperature is a warning pregnancy symptom. This increase can take place 2 days after ovulation and can stay even for two weeks. This increase can only be measure with the help of basal body thermometer.
Breast Changes: Breast of the pregnant woman become swollen, tender and sensitive to touch. The pregnancy hormones results in an increased blood supply towards the breast area for the preparation of milk for the new born. The areolas become darker and the veins of the breasts become more obvious. These changes are easily noticed but generally most women blame bad fitting of clothes instead of pregnancy.
Vomiting And Nausea: This vomiting and nausea comes under an umbrella term of "morning sickness; though the term is misleading as these feeling are not only confined to morning and can happen at any time of the day. Morning sickness is experienced by most pregnant women but it may not include vomiting as nausea is generally more prevalent. Some doctors think that nausea is a signs of baby growing healthily within the body of the mother.
Constipation: Constipation is another earliest possible pregnancy signs that is overlooked by most pregnant women. Constipation during pregnancy is defined as less than three bowel movements in one week.
The reason of this constipation is the changing progesterone level. This level results in slowing down the food movement through the digestive system thus creates havoc with bowel movement.
Fatigue: There is a slight line between fatigue and tiredness. Feeling sleepy and tired after the long day's work is completely normal. Feeling complexly exhausted with the routine work is not normal and may represent many issues like auto immune disorder, certain cancers or pregnancy.
Fatigue is also a sure pregnancy sign. It occurs in the first trimester because of the sudden increase in the progesterone level.
If you are experiencing any one or more of the pregnancy symptoms then it is better to have a pregnancy test
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