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Implantation Bleeding After Missed Period

Nobody can deny the fact that a missed period is often the ideal symptom of pregnancy. And if implantation bleeding after missed period occurs, then it is no less than an additional proof that confirms your pregnancy. So, implantation bleeding after missed period can occur. Rather taking it as a sign of worry, you need to see it as a phenomenon that surely brings a smile on your face.
Implantation bleeding is a minor bleeding that is invoked by the attachment of the egg that has fertilized with the uterine lining. 
Mostly, this is often confused with the period, especially, in this case when a period has been missed. However, period is quite heavy in flow and that it is reddish in color sometimes containing many clots. However, bleeding due to implantation is very scanty in amount and that it is brownish in color indicating that the blood has taken its own time to get discarded.
The menstrual cycle actually trains the endometrial lining to implant an egg by preparing a thick system of capillaries via which the egg can be linked with the circulatory system. In case the implantation fails to take place, the lining that is made up of blood and tissue is discarded that results in menstruation taking place every month. 
If a woman is hopeful, implantation bleeding after missed period might incite an illusion of a miscarriage or the collapse of the lining. On other hand, if no pregnancy is expected, it might make a woman think as the onset of menses. The shock of the former scenario can be well avoided by just visiting a doctor and following the instructed steps. However, it is necessary to have some idea or know the symptoms so that panic and shock inducing stress and other medical conditions can be prevented.
Implantation bleeding crop up in some 6 to 10 days once ovulation has materialized. If a grown up egg encounters a sperm and fertilizes, then the egg implants in the uterus lining causing some blood to be discarded. This is implantation bleeding that takes place after some five days since fertilization in the fallopian tubes. This is because the blood is so little in quantity that it generally takes long for it to access the vaginal opening.
One way to check whether it is implantation bleeding or menstruation is to see the time. But, in case of missed period, even this can fail to give you a correct prediction. So, in this case, it is advisable to see the blood flow. The characteristics of bleeding due to implantation are completely different than those of the menstrual bleeding. If the bleeding seems to be with stains or marks, then it is possible that you might be pregnant. Next, see the color. If the blood coming out is not a true red in color, then it is possibly the bleeding due to implantation, which is normally brown. Sometimes, it can be even pink.
In short, it is completely okay for a woman to experience implantation bleeding after missed period.

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