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What is the best way to rehydrate after exercise?

[A] Eat Fruit [B] Drink Water [C] Drinks Sports Drinks [D] Drink Fruit Juice

Exercises to Lose Weight - Read This Now If You Want the Best Way to Lose Weight Without Dieting!

If you're looking for the best way to lose weight without dieting, then try out these top exercises to lose weight fast. This is a great way to get thin and stay thin quickly without suffering from starvation or depriving yourself.
Exercises to Lose Weight
1. Best way to lose weight... jump on a mini-trampoline
This is great for a variety of reasons. First, it's a whole body exercise that is low impact. Since most overweight people can't handle the stress to their joints and ligaments from too much jogging and running on pavement, this is a great substitute.
Not only that, I like the convenience factor when it comes to this. You can put it in your living room and jump on it whenever the mood strikes you. You don't need to do a full workout to get the benefits from this. Instead, use it for a few minutes at a time.
TRICK: Do it during tv commercials!
2. Hula Hooping
The hula hoop is no longer just a child's toy. It's especially great for toning and tightening up your waist and hips areas. If you're a woman looking to create a nice hourglass and feminine look to your waistline, go out right now and buy yourself a WEIGHTED hula hoop.
Why a weighted one? Well, because they're actually easier to handle. They're easier to twirl around your waist without them falling to the ground.
All you do... do 10-15 minutes of hula hooping each day. Like jumping on a mini-trampoline, you can do this and get great results just by doing this for 1-2 minutes at a time through the day.
The best way to lose weight without dieting is to do exercises to lose weight... so try these 2 top exercises out for a few weeks and prove it to yourself.

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